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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. i have never seen a couple at RLC that both were so desperate to have sex with someone other than their mate than Cand C and the funny thing is they cant get anyone to play
  2. going over some of the stuff i missed from the party just how open is Martina's relationship she was grinding her ass into boytoys cock dancing in the livingroom and he kept kissing her neck and this is all in front of Alberto then she starts making out with nelly in the kitchen in front of him,and if you saw your woman doing all this would you let her go party and spend the night there again without you
  3. yes on the replay they were in Hollies restroom they were all taking turns doing lines and martina bent down took hers came up wiped her nose after so yes she does coke oh 6:38 hollies restroom so you know
  4. hey she had no problem dancing all close and rubbing against him on the table but jumped down the instant she saw Albero had come in the room so who knows nobody thought she would have sex with another woman on cam now she makes out with a few girls a night at these parties so its a legitmate question
  5. going over the replay so martina does coke no wonder boytoy was all over her he was feeding her lines,wonder how much she would have brushed his advances off if Alberto was not there
  6. same could be said for martina and alberto as far as she is going a bit wild while he sits in the kitchen
  7. lucian was a dick that never wanted anything to happen if he was not involved he killed the whole alex and bonnie fling because he could not fuck bonnie,to compare him to Bogdan is a joke
  8. good thing boytoy left gina would have been trying to blow him in front of everyone a long i see this too
  9. alek got on her knees begging Megan to come in and join them ,there is hope for her yet
  10. i had my reservations about nelly and bogdan running B4 but i think they are a good fit,nelly plays with the girls and bogdan keeps things under control at the parties and lets the girls play without having to be involved
  11. talk about calm cool and collected bogdan walked in and gina had her robe wide open and he never gave her a second look
  12. hell he could fuck gina right now but he seems to be keeping his distance must be best buds with curly maybe
  13. bet he is fucking gina within the hour,he could lead her away now if he wanted to
  14. so is he going to fuck gina now she has flashed him her pussy now she is grabbing his legs and if she moves her hand any higher she will be grabbing his cock
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