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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. and how many guys with that loving wife and have a good job great kids but go and cheat anyways there is always the other side of the coin
  2. its like everything in life sure you can find examples of the one out of a hundred people that are really rich and famous that are miserable but thats a chance i would be willing to take
  3. so where did Nelly and Gina disappear to they were just smoking outside so they didnt go off cam to smoke maybe thats what Gina put the knee pads on for lol
  4. same could be said of every movie star rock star or star athlete when you make a living in the public eye you lose a lot of privacy,and these RLC people dont look very unhappy when they are all partying and having fun just doing the things young people would be doing anyways in a lot of cases and they get paid for it
  5. what a great job these people have day drink get high have sex all bills are paid and they even pay you bonuses just for having fun what a rip off my career counselor never told me about that job,hell i would even come out of retirement for a job like that
  6. the Gina Curly Nelly party has moved to the bedroom ,edited girls outside smoking now
  7. i think if you saw one of then by chance and said something to them how would that be any different than running into a actor or rock star or super model or a athlete and saying hey i love all your stuff i think you are great why are the RLC people so different they chose a life in the public eye just like all the others i mentioned
  8. you cant make a living on the internet being seen by thousands then never expect to run into someone that will recognize you but nobody should ever go seek them out that is stalking but sooner or later someone some where will know who they are and i am sure it has had to have happened by now
  9. i think you would find that most of the families of the full time couples or single girls like masha maya kristy or kammila already know as we have even seen a few moms shower and even one have sex if my memory serves me and we have seen Martinas brother have sex on cam and heard her family knows what she does
  10. call customer service and have them over ride it have had to do this myself in the past on my debit card it had a block on all out of country purchases
  11. not quite the same as watching M and N going at it is it 😁
  12. he will never totally leave he is like a fox in the RLC hen house once they find a good supply they never stop coming back and he has had sex with how many girls on here now,want to get rid of curly tell the girls to stop fucking him
  13. anyone else ever think what the hell is Martina doing here she could easily be some trophy wife for some rich guy or at least be with a guy with a real job she should not have to be making a living here and carrying Alburto as he would not be making money here if it was not for her after all
  14. but in the end Martina has to finish it herself and 10 to 1 says she is not thinking of Alburto
  15. shows just how much we really dont know about the tenants real lives we were all watching this apt for how long now and i dont think anyone even had a clue Martina was having a off cam relationship a year ago till just now, i had heard it said she had some past relationship with a girl but no details though it might have even been you actually that said it and thank you again for all your insights
  16. but i wonder where is Nelly they have both been gone all weekend and she left with only the clothes on her back
  17. not a problem had someone explain it to me once so now its my turn
  18. go to the top of the page where it says select language click on any language english isnt listed so you need to hit select language again after its switched to the other language and then english will be at the top and it will translate everything untill you leave the site then you have to repeat it when you log back in each time
  19. you said before if there was an agreement if he quit playing video games she would stop having sex with Nelly and you wanted to see Al pick up the video game again 😀 well you got your wish so if there was an agreement we might guess what she did today lol
  20. guys are talking like she always takes the time to doll herself up before leaving like Loraine,last night before meeting her friends she didnt even shower she last showered around midnight the previous evening so today was a bit different when she spends that much time getting ready
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