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Everything posted by bookmaster8

  1. Nice, but Sharon Stone didn't have panties on when she did it. So, Milana is not showing what is expected! ;D (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)
  2. I agree corboblanc, but what frustrates a lot of people is not that they don't have sex, but that they intentionally hide from the cameras. It is either "real life cam" or it's not; RLC can't have it both ways. If the tenants are intentionally hiding, then RLC is not living up to their side of the bargain, which is what they self-describe as a real life voyeur site. I completely agree. I don't need anybody to have more sex or put on any kind of nudity *show", but I really dislike seeing the girls intentionally hiding when changing and showering. It is like a slap in the face to paying members and it is not normal or "real" people behavior in any way, shape or form.
  3. Correct only Nora cleaned... Rita didn't, however you can't blame Milena, since she had not moved in yet at that time (that was the day after).. But yes, i have never noticed Rita cleaning, Nora does it, Kamilla did it and others too... I have seen Rita clean a number of times. I agree that she may not be as thorough as Nora, but she has definitely attempted to make some effort. If I remember correctly, last week when Nora cleaned the apartment by herself, Rita was not at home. If she had been, who knows if she would have helped? I don't. Plus, is anyone else having problems with the cams stuttering in that house? I can't make out what is being said on the phone because the conversation is breaking up and the video freezes briefly. Never mind. The phone is no longer in use and the video and sound are fine now.
  4. I agree with you in theory. Unfortunately, I think it's possible that many of those who dislike the way that house is run are also very happy about the addition of Nelly and Zoya. So, the timing may not be right. I still have a little time before it's my renewal date, so maybe something will change between now and then for me to feel comfortable about my decision. RLC may have stemmed the tide in their favor, though.
  5. BM I like you but once again I have to disagree with you. I'll bet you $100.00 that Kammi told Rita, if you are going to take a bath and want to cover up your tits, place something on the sink counter right here and nobody will be able to see them. I'll also bet you another $100.00 that Rita told Milana the same damn thing!! The very first shower Milana took, she showed more of her body and now nothing!! Don't think Rita is not behind her covering herself up! People, myself included, are saying it's a scam and it's true, RLC doesn't care what you or anybody else thinks or gives two shits about as long as the money keeps rolling in. RLC will have to make some drastic changes before I will give them any more of my money!!!! I like you too LDD, but I'm afraid we'll just have agree to disagree on this one. I saw Milana's first shower and it only lasted about 45 seconds. I remember thinking that I hoped she was just shy or something because that shower could not have been real effective. ;)
  6. Better than porn stars. With them, you can see they actually are making love or having just good, old sex and are thoroughly enjoying themselves. What a refreshing change.
  7. Having observed Milana for the past week, I completely agree with the poster (sorry, I don't remember which) who said that this girl is a "player". She cares only for herself and is very good at fooling and manipulating others. If anybody still believes that Rita manipulated and convinced Milana to hide herself, I think you should re-evaluate. This girl has taken hiding to a new level and Rita has gotten even more "shy" (ha, ha) since Milana has arrived. Milana is not going to be influenced by anyone.
  8. This whole thing makes me angry too. But, I still think the only ones at fault for this situation are the RLC owners/Managers who do not require the girls to shower and change like "normal" people. Have you EVER seen a "NORMAL" person shower without ever turning away from the bathroom wall on the tub side? I sure never have. I also have never seen a person alter where they change clothes in order not to be seen. If there are windows that look into the bathroom of a "normal" person, that person will either cover the window or close the bathroom door in order not to be seen. That is NOT what all the residents of this house have done since I joined. RLC should either change their advertising or change the "it's ok to hide" option for tenants.
  9. You do have to admit, though, that she looks pretty darn good even if she's not showing as much as your would like. ;D But that's the problem, Bookmaster 8, if it was ugly, certainly we never speak of it. It shows you a little, and it leaves you completely dry, I am sorry heart I can not stand this torture I understand. I really do. I got very upset when Kamila and Monica arrived and they did the exact same "hiding" techniques (and Nika before that). However, I found that I liked Kamila enough to accept that she wasn't going to show as much as I thought I would see in a "voyeur" site. If the Barcelona house was the only one in the site, then I definitely would not have stayed on as a member. But, with all the other apartments delivering pretty much as promised, I decided I could live with it because despite being upset with Kamila, I couldn't help but like her. Then Rita came and she and Kamila talked up a storm the first night. I would imagine Kamila told Rita that if she was uncomfortable with being seen nude, then she didn't have to show anything more than what she wanted. Maybe, when Jenny came, she asked Rita about the nudity and got the same response. My point is that Rita did not start the "hiding" strategy and, for all we know, she might not have told Jenny that if Jenny had not asked her. So, I can understand that everyone wants Rita gone. I'm fine with that. But, I don't think it's fair to pretend that all of this is Rita's fault and make her out to be this evil, spoiled demon. We don't know how, when or why the information about "hiding" was given. For all we know, Nora might have been the one telling Nika and Kamila and Monica and Rita and everybody else about the "hiding" technique so that she could remain the most popular girl in the house. Según la conversación telefónica que mantuvo Nora en español, es todo lo contrario, ella les dice que se muestren tal y como son en sus casas e incluso no les prohíbe traer a chicos a sus habitaciones, siempre comentandoles primero lo de las cámaras. Si esto es cierto, cada chica elige lo que quiere mostrar o no, pero eso no vamos a saber si es cierto o no nunca. I really would not make sense at all for Nora to tell the girls not to show. Especially if she (or Niko) is somehow involved with the RLC, as many people believe them to be. Nora's goal would be to increase viewership and revenue, not to be the most popular in the house....IMO. Tripod2, I agree with you. I made the very same argument about Nora (being innocent of telling the girls) last month and everyone jumped on me and said I was wrong and that Nora was an evil, despicable human being. I don't know what the truth is about Nora, I didn't mean to imply that she definitely WAS the person who brought the subject up with the girls or even that she was the probable source. I was simply stating that we don't know who talked with Milana about it (assuming someone did, which may not be the case). I simply stated that Nora was a possibility that no one was mentioning when just last month, everybody was saying Nora was the evil one who was responsible and had to go. Personally, I agree with you that it would be a very stupid thing to do from a business standpoint and said so last month. You can go back in past forum threads and see that I am telling the truth. I took up for Nora when many wanted to throw her out.
  10. You do have to admit, though, that she looks pretty darn good even if she's not showing as much as your would like. ;D But that's the problem, Bookmaster 8, if it was ugly, certainly we never speak of it. It shows you a little, and it leaves you completely dry, I am sorry heart I can not stand this torture I understand. I really do. I got very upset when Kamila and Monica arrived and they did the exact same "hiding" techniques (and Nika before that). However, I found that I liked Kamila enough to accept that she wasn't going to show as much as I thought I would see in a "voyeur" site. If the Barcelona house was the only one in the site, then I definitely would not have stayed on as a member. But, with all the other apartments delivering pretty much as promised, I decided I could live with it because despite being upset with Kamila, I couldn't help but like her. Then Rita came and she and Kamila talked up a storm the first night. I would imagine Kamila told Rita that if she was uncomfortable with being seen nude, then she didn't have to show anything more than what she wanted. Maybe, when Jenny came, she asked Rita about the nudity and got the same response. My point is that Rita did not start the "hiding" strategy and, for all we know, she might not have told Jenny that if Jenny had not asked her. So, I can understand that everyone wants Rita gone. I'm fine with that. But, I don't think it's fair to pretend that all of this is Rita's fault and make her out to be this evil, spoiled demon. We don't know how, when or why the information about "hiding" was given. For all we know, Nora might have been the one telling Nika and Kamila and Monica and Rita and everybody else about the "hiding" technique so that she could remain the most popular girl in the house.
  11. You do have to admit, though, that she looks pretty darn good even if she's not showing as much as your would like. ;D
  12. I agree, Nora has shown us more than the other two combined. Rita has a lot of influence over Milana, I think she is the trouble in this apartment. I totally agree with you, since Rita arrived, the apartment empire more. Besides the evening or Jenny arrived with her boyfriend, Rita was not well. the current behavior of the two girls is directly related to Rita. I do not think RLC imposes rules to girls, on the contrary it can only harm its turnover. Rita pulls the apartment down. Kamilia, alisa, lulu, except jannet Sofie was a little shy. Nora can not be early to win the sympatie girls. Frankly it begins to hurt me, now she is completely rejected I'm sorry, but I truly have to disagree. Rita had not even arrived until after Nika and Kammi and others already had hiding down to a science. If you're so convinced that Milana is affected by Rita, then why do you think that Kammi is not guilty of giving the same instructions to Rita upon her arrival?
  13. Just to make sure we stay on topic and piss more people off, I hereby officially declare that Milana has now overtaken Nika and is the new "Queen of Tenants who shows the least skin". This girl makes Rita look like a super-exhibitionist. She makes Kamila's bath-hiding row of bottles on the sink look like child's play. And, my simple question is still "Why do they put girls in a "voyeur" apartment who don't want to show any of their body to those watching?"
  14. The only thing you missed in this apartment was how good Rita looks in her new bikini. Of course, you would have had to be watching within the 5 minute window you had before she and Milana went to the beach. :D
  15. Don't worry. Rita and Milana should be back once it's dark (of course, they may go out clubbing tonight rather than playing on their phones all night). Nora may be gone for a couple days. She took a suitcase with her. :) Whether we see Rita or Milana for any real time before they go to sleep is another question entirely. :( What's that? You expected more? Come on, you're only paying $45 or so a month.
  16. Zoya does seem to be quite a good painter. I'd buy that one she's working on now. :)
  17. It used to think that. I thought they were poor businessmen. Now, I'm quickly becoming convinced that there's something "fishy" going on. This kind of thing has happened far too often to be coincidence. At least some of it has to be intentional. It is time that the premium members get organized, we are more on CC, sufit There, we stop the premium membership, at least for a week, and you will see that all their bullshit rules will stop . Then set up a thread, ask the guys if they agree. Just a week and you will see. Please, do an action together I'll do it if we get enough people to join us.
  18. It used to think that. I thought they were poor businessmen. Now, I'm quickly becoming convinced that there's something "fishy" going on. This kind of thing has happened far too often to be coincidence. At least some of it has to be intentional.
  19. Apparently someone at RLC didn't like the fact that Rita was showing her ass crack while cooking.............LOL . Also she has some nice loose boobs swinging under her blouse ! This time it looks like they just didn't want us to see Milana showering. The cams are back on now and she's sitting on her bed in the body towel they wear after showering. And now, as expected, she made sure she was hidden behind the closet door before she took the towel off and reappeared after she was fully dressed. >:(
  20. This really is absurd. I now believe that whoever controls the feeds from this apartment often takes them offline at "strategic" times - usually when something good has just started or is just about to start. This has happened far too often (only with this apartment) where the timing was perfect to guarantee the subscribers would get pissed off. It can't be coincidence every time. They are playing games with us. >:( Se acuerdan de la famosa noche de camaras apagadas con Monica y Kamila? Se convencen ahora de que estas situaciones no son casuales sino que se hacen aproposito They're back on. All we missed was Milana taking a shower. >:( And now, as expected, she made sure she was hidden behind the closet door before she took the towel off and reappeared after she was fully dressed. >:(
  21. Apparently someone at RLC didn't like the fact that Rita was showing her ass crack while cooking.............LOL . Also she has some nice loose boobs swinging under her blouse ! This time it looks like they just didn't want us to see Milana showering. The cams are back on now and she's sitting on her bed in the body towel they wear after showering.
  22. This really is absurd. I now believe that whoever controls the feeds from this apartment often takes them offline at "strategic" times - usually when something good has just started or is just about to start. This has happened far too often (only with this apartment) where the timing was perfect to guarantee the subscribers would get pissed off. It can't be coincidence every time. They are playing games with us. >:( Se acuerdan de la famosa noche de camaras apagadas con Monica y Kamila? Se convencen ahora de que estas situaciones no son casuales sino que se hacen aproposito They're back on. All we missed was Milana taking a shower. >:(
  23. This really is absurd. I now believe that whoever controls the feeds from this apartment often takes them offline at "strategic" times - usually when something good has just started or is just about to start. This has happened far too often (only with this apartment) where the timing was perfect to guarantee the subscribers would get pissed off. It can't be coincidence every time. They are playing games with us. >:(
  24. Jajajaja es cierto compañero! Aún así deje el alcohol !!! o por lo menos deje un poco para los demás ;D I was just trying to help. If we're going to use our imaginations to make up stories, we should at least get the characters right. Otherwise, it will get to be confusing for people who follow the story. ;D
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