Yes, I agree! another cam that would be welcomed would be one that shows from the back of the kitchen facing the TV. I'd like to see what everyone is watching (like Cam1 at Iilona's place)
Ren :clap:
Is that "standard" treatment to have two doors back-to-back?
Also, what's up with all the flowers? Today a lady showed up - wearing a huge winter hat - and delivered something to Nelly and took pics of her holding a boquet of flowers, then a pic of her and Bodgan with the flowers, and now I see flowers in the window ledges..... perhaps Nelly's birthday?
Has Hector expanded his tattoo collection? Now I see several on his neck, both back and sides. And his hand. and arms.
I know we have a diverse population here on RLC, but as the parent of a "Millineal", the though of what a tattoo can do for your future employment options is troublesome. "A guarantee of minimum wage" - or am I showing my age?
Ilona hasn't had any clothes on in several days - not that I mind, no sir! I just wonder as I sit here in my 68degree home in lounge pants and a long sleeve shirt..... what temp is that apartment?
My kids are the same with regards to water and power. What do they care? They are not paying the bills! I thought my 32 y/o daughter who got married and now has started a family might hav learned something, but on my last visit, I think every single light in their home was on - regardless of if anyone was in the room.
Nelly's nipples seem to have a round circle of 'less tanned' skin just outside her areola's. Does she go to a tanning bed? And use 'nipple covers'?
Just askin'......
Ren :idk:
Did my eyes deceive me or did I see Leora just get into bed wearing a heavy winter coat? Is Paul that cheap not to keep the apartment at a decent temp or is the temp there just that cold?
Dayummmmm! :(