does the RLC mothership have the "right" to rearrange the camera placement since they "own" the apartment? Could the go in an relocate the cameras to better serve their client base (US!)? :idk:
some of the apts seem to have very picturesque views, others seem to be surrounded by other apartments. Is there a post somewhere with the geographic locations of these apartments? cities, regions - not looking for GPS data! Just interested in what our hosts are seeing when the step out on their balconies or what the see outside their windows.....
You know, Nelly reads these posts and says "no way they are going to get more traffic than I do" and changes her activities, or Carla realizes that Nelly is gaining on her based on traffic, so she she changes things in her apt.....
I dunno.... what do you think? Is there a competition going on here?
this isn't the first time that the bath water that Nelly draws seems to be a light beige color. This is even before she gets in the tub. Is this 'normal'?
I trhought it was by a door opening to the outside - perhaps smoke from a solder gun? He seems to like tinkering with electronic stuff - and all that with Lenora sprawled out on the bed!