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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Friday night......Martina has her 'need'...what will happen ? Let go Martina, let the fun begin, you know (and us too) what you can do....easy money on RLC....no need to read a book about how to make money...
  2. Related to your question : I saw and old video of a woman in the shower and she was a little more weight compare to Martina and she has piercing nipples. She had a good resemblance to Martina, maybe it was her sister ? Can someone know ?
  3. And the video of the long and sensual exchange of caresses and kisses between Martina and Nelly (without alcohol)....a very, very deep friendship that we only make with the person we want the most...that level of 'affection' that unfortunately many men don't easily express....Ah ! woman are from ...
  4. Yes ! Oil change for Alberto time to time and she out and come back, nap, oil change for Alberto, out, and back....again and again..... Alberto doens't mind to share Martina with other, lucky Martina and for Alberto, his spark plug are always top shape.....
  5. Martina goes a long way in her way of showing her affection for someone. Let's say she's very expressive and we all have our way but in her case it's often 'passing' the limit of simple friendship even if it's a simple friendship, personally, when a person testifies to me of the friendship as Martina sometimes does, I would detect a desire to go further....And there is nothing wrong with that as long as it remains naturally consenting... P.S. I really appreciate reading your comments, you have a good sense of observation and deduction, welcome to the select club of those who like to share the fun, pretty much the majority...
  6. "Martina doesn't want to be naked in full view of the neighbours." On the other hand, being topless in full view of the neighbors, does not bother her. Like tonight, she's cooking dinner and the neighbors can surely see her through the window, as the kitchen is fully lit. The neighboring buildings are pretty much stuck together because all the curtains are always closed in the apartment.
  7. Martina is cooking and her friend and Alberto are on the balcony: * topless and no tanning line, quite normal to get a topless tan on the beaches of Barcelona but having experienced the situation myself on the beaches, you can feel the level of 'testosterones' of the young men who notice you and guess the only goal they have in their head or rather between their legs... I guess Martina must surely realize this and appreciate it. Some take a selfie and you easily understand that you are part of the selfie LOL! I must have been responsible for a lot of oil changes in these young men...LOL Why not, I am quite happy to "bring" a lot of pleasure without having to do anything...like being on RLC LOL! * Martina could improve her knowledge in food preparation, she doesn't seem to have had someone to share with her the different basic kitchen manipulations....Alberto you should take cooking classes like you planned and show them to Martina with the RLC 'look'...all naked.... But one thing for sure: Taco is the only one who have the best 'place' compare to us.....
  8. HELLO I'm back...to all my fan and for all the others who love me a little less but still love me LOL Like I wrote before, I was on vocation at the same time like Martina and Nelly. No we didn't have the time to meet Martina and Nelly..... LOL It was a girls trip (4) and you know what happen in Vegas , stay in vegas....LOL it was nice to feel the attraction of the desire of other men or women towards our group of women, anywhere: in restaurants, swimming pools, the clubs, in the shops, on the street ....and not to forget at 49 C, your breasts become very soft and stretched, without the bra, some bouncing boobs occur. LOL Did we go further in adventure ? Or what Martina would have done in the same situation ? it give you some answer of what happen ... LOL I have to read a few pages and come back, I have opinion on everything, you know me. LOL P.S. I return home at the time my boyfriend was sleeping...can martina offer me some advice on my situation as I will be on the opposite side of my boyfriend's schedule for a while. Maybe Martina can make talk to me all night long and we exchange about our 'sleeping dick'. .
  9. "where and with whom": You know that the rules forbid revealing info that allows you know what...but you can know for yourself and not say it like translators do. "How long it will take to get " fast because ..... I'm also on vacation this weekend...coincidence...surely? LOL I have to take the train and I will occupy an Elige Confort seat and next to me, I hope to have a beautiful girl like Martina and her friend like Nelly maybe? It will be my pleasure to offer them the extra Cafe-bar to socialize together: eating, drinking and talking (with a little help from google translate, it's always fun). I always like to make people's lives easier when they are pleasant. Positive people always attract positive people. If you notice that people are avoiding you...think why.... Back next week as Martina..coincidence LOL Big kiss to you all for the weekend. Just out of hypothetical curiosity, would any of you be interested in traveling on a high-speed (Premium seat) train with me sometime? We'd probably talk and laugh about RLC. P.S. Nelly get out of my keyboard again..I love you too Nelly..but I like the Martina/Nelly combo...big energy generated...when will be the next energy release in from of the cam Nelly ?
  10. Oh Yes ..has a very high opinion of herself.... Oh Yes..Martina and me would never sleep....with the help of a little line on the counter... I never doubted that in your heart you loved me as much as Martina, imagine me and Martina in the same room or in the famous parking lot...it would be over 50 C heat and you would say "Lucky Martina and Girlsfun2! what a great show but the cam went UM after 5 minutes. I have to confess, I like you a lot but I prefer Martina for obvious reasons. I would help Martina in her studies....I would teach her math (the basis of everything in life) and you could also follow the lessons on the cam, it's a win-win for everyone. My first lesson to Martina: we got 10 fingers, what should we do to calculate that we have 10 fingers....LOL OK : Martina let go the Nelly place and will do the teaching around the pool Me: the teacher costume Martina: the student costume Nelly : the school director costume P.S. Which ones want to come to that kind of school ? LOL
  11. If she read the post, she will be asking "How can I meet GirlsFun2, she seems to be having a lot of fun and she is BI like me and she has already mentioned that she could break Nelly's record for a whole night" LOL P.S. Do I have to apply to be in RLC ? Or meet her outside the cams like for many of her friends... Oh I'm having fun...
  12. It more simple: when your FWB is not able to do his part......in the case of Martina, FWB need to be in great shape and always available and take it for long hours.... Unsatisfied high libido affects mood a lot in Martina's case They live in different time zone, it doesn't help FWB tasks
  13. 04:50 AM Martina is still fully awake, her schedule is really the opposite of Alberto's, do you think that in the long run, Alberto is going to keep up with Martina's schedule? We know that Martina doesn't hesitate to go outside to find her pleasure. Martina, you don't need to read a lot of books on financial success. At your age and with your body and smile, a simple Only Fan page will make you a lot of money without forcing you and it will pay off for a while. Pursue your goal in education, in the long run it pays a lot for sure and it brings satisfaction to do something constructive in life. P.S. Let's get down to business Martina, call Nelly and invite her over to discuss about it
  14. So all that's left to do is to invest in RLC and set conditions that the partipants have to do in front of the cams... do you have any suggestions on how to increase productivity and make more profits with RLC? Participants should be offered 'share purchases' in RLC....Imagine Martina buying shares in RLC and working to set up scenarios to increase subscriptions to LRC....Wow the sky is the limit for sure? What do you think Martina would do? It would be a lot of FUN !!!!
  15. but why is she still sleeping again in the end of the afternoon ?
  16. Excellent idea because we know what it takes to fill all the libido energy of Martina and why not during the working hours of Alberto. Martina invites Nelly for a drink and we know the rest of the story, they have at least 7 hours, which is just enough. Imagine day after day, the same routine Martina and Nelly 7 hours a day....even for us, it would be exhausting... You know the law of physics: nothing is lost and nothing is created but a big exchange of energy! LOL Go girls !!!!
  17. Alberto seems tired but martina wants... Poor Alberto.....excuse me....Lucky Alberto !!!!
  18. I imagine the front page of the newspaper: 3 completely naked women were arrested in a parking lot. In the article: these women confessed that they worked for RLC Barcelona and wanted to make a publicity stunt. Other arrests are planned, a certain "Alberto" would be a high manager and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. The last time he was seen, he had a shovel in his hands near the parking lot in question. People are asked to be careful if they see him. One of the girls spoke only in Russian so it is believed that a Russian connection may be involved. Another girl who says her name is Masha came to bail out the arrested girls. Masha said that she works for a small church nearby and that she helps men who have been sexually abused, but when she saw these poor girls, she said that she would put them in contact with a certain Bodgan who runs the small church. To follow....
  19. A good lesbian look always contains a touch of masculinity, it's a good mix of feminine assets as to attract men while showing a man's virility towards other women. And if you add the haircut behind the neck and the famous necklace...there you are in the tops...ready for anything crazy fun!
  20. no action for a wilde.....end of the day coming....
  21. I hope so too very much ! Hope that girlsfun1 won't return also ! P.S. I have a friend who is going to Barcelona for vacation, I told her: watch out for parking lot if you see 2 young woman topless, just say "Alberto, Alberto " pretending that you're looking for your dog. If there are some reaction, give me a call ! LOL
  22. goodddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd, I tired of Martina and Nelly story.....let them fuck LOL !!!! P.S. Nelly get out of my keyboard LOL , Nelly stop taking my drink LOL....Nelly "I like to write here but don't say it, and have another drink"
  23. Finally..... The main discussions will not have those discussions over and over. So the relation about Martina and Nelly is "to be or not to be ? " I will come back in 3 month and see if there something new LOL
  24. Hello Berty, I think this question can only be answered by Martina herself. I'm able to give the answer as a clear yes or no or yes or no or maybe from what I've not seen. Compared to Nelly, Martina mindset and behavior is much easier to understand because we have a lot of information coming from no where. But what is not sure is that they have a kind of meeting, both can live with in a 3 some at weekend night. But for sure you have asked Martina and me because we might can give you a more detailed answer with no meaning at all. P.S. Translate with the porto app. I'm having so much fun with deeptv and adalburtraynold LOL
  25. You know me, from my side, yes they do this off cam and without letting Bogdan and Alberto know for a simple and good reason: * it caused a lot of trouble to the 2 and in particular to Martina, we saw her, at the time, to be completely upset to be forbidden to 'continue' the trip with Nelly and as in real life, it is sometimes better not to 'show' certain aspects of life because we all want not to show ourselves too vulnerable and that's good because there will always be, in the entourage, people who will try to exploit them, as some people have fun doing in the forum as in the real life. So for both of them, it's much less trouble and much more fun to live what they want together...out side. Martina and Nelly have so much time available, why not some fun ? One life to live ! Don't forget that for the participants of RLC, RLC is a paying job and for pure entertainment. So one part of their life is in RLC for the show and another part is outside. Good marketing in 3 words: "Real Life Cam" P.S. Let put a cam on the famous parking lot ! Everybody will be happy ! LOL
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