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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Seeing the Fat guy eating....Yes the new way of RLC....the Real Life in real life, DeepDave will love it, this is the real life for him LOL Now have fun Deep !!! Love you, Big kiss🤣
  2. So he will leave when Alberto will come back from work ? Maybe they can talk about Martina and exchange some info about what Martina like to 'have' from a man ? I'm guessing and dreaming... P.S. It will be fun to watch both men testing some positions together....LOL
  3. It important for Martina to express herselft so she will make sure that where she goes, there some nude beaches not far away...and absolutely for night life....
  4. Taco is waiting to see some action like when Martina and Alberto are there..... P.S. Taco is like us.....need some action in front of us....
  5. Oh Yes...your right, like I write before, I experience it.....
  6. We know that Martna would love to experience new way doing thing....
  7. he is watching some RLC videos of Martina and ALberto ? LOL
  8. their night together in the hotel: I think it was for something else if you know what I mean...
  9. hum....Martina could do some 'test'....we never know....
  10. "act like"...act like playing role with your lover to have some fun, act like in the movie....act like actor, act like actress, hope you watch tv too. Maybe you could be a good actor or play a role in theater but you can try, you never know. Just act like.... Love you ! Have fun !! P..S Have fun Martina, I love you too much, big kiss !!! Let have a drink !
  11. Yes your right, some strange thing happen and nobody talk about it. It happen one day when they come back for taking Taco out, completely stone and they make love and play with fire in the bed (Martina put fire in part of her hair !) and Martina act like a real prostitute with experience, it show (experience ?) WOW !!!
  12. Do you have the same opinion: after seeing videos of Martina several years ago and today, Martina has much more beautiful features; her face and expressions? If so, this confirms that women always get better with age....Go Girls!!!
  13. Do like me, as long as the comments seem coherent enough to you, write them, the 'stress' is knowing when it gets a little 'crooked', a hint: your glass is still empty just after filling it Have fun ! P.S. it's true that seeing Martina with her big smile and all the rest is good. As in real life, a person who simply smiles at us, makes us feel good
  14. Good summary of the situation on Martina and RLC Thank !
  15. You're right, Martina is in a very enviable situation from a certain point of view: she has a boyfriend while she sees if another person would be better for her. The security of a home with a friend and the pleasure of searching for her soul mate and satisfying her libido. It's really a win-win for her. Like most of us, we move from one relationship to another without 'staying' in the old one. Especially if you are telling your partner that you will continue to 'look around'. And besides, this 'situation', for Alberto, meets his need, a bit strange but let's not forget, it's FWB with a lot of love! From a woman's point of view, Martina is kind of lucky to be able to do this. I don't know anyone around me who has done this. Except, to a certain extent, being swingers... But for Martina to always be in a context of 'exploring' without limits, sooner or later she will find another person according to the maturity she has acquired. She will want to spend more and more time with this person to the point where Alberto will soon become secondary. Sooner or later, Alberto knows that important changes will occur or maybe his relationship with Martina will always remain as it is. I doubt that this type of relationship will last much longer, yes it has been 10 years but... P.S #1: On another note, of course I exaggerate the scenarios sometimes, but I do it to add some spice to the forum because sometimes there is not much going on in the apartment and a little Porto helps a lot...and we have fun P.S #2 In another idea: I have a theory about what Martina does in reality that would explain a lot of things like the important amount of money she lent to Alberto, her exhibitionism and her ability to get in 'particular' contact with anyone and keep a very good looking..hum. Don't worry, there's nothing abnormal about it.
  16. Martina use to bring Nelly to the apartment and the bedroom 💋💋 while Alberto was playing with the Play Station and we like that (the bedroom part LOL) but Martina don't do it because she didn't want Bogdan to watch them on the RLC (bad for us because of Bogdan) so now Martina is learning how to park in parking lot all over Barcelona with Nelly as a teacher, it seen more difficult to park the weekend night....LOL, it takes a lot of hand movements, it seems Have fun and let hope that Martina can bring back Nelly for passionate long kiss and long hand every where.....
  17. Will be funny if they goes to Alberto, we never know.... or maybe Martina can bring them to the bedroom and 'test' there sexual choice....Martina would said: "look and touch that, can you resist, I have a a few hundred of followers that are playing just to look at it at RLC and it free for you for a least 7 hours this weekend night...." P.S. I have gay friends and I can tell you, there more BI then gay and despite a lot of 'open' affection between me and 'those' friends in front of my former boyfriend, he didn't mind, "they are gay". Good boy....LOL
  18. parking lot in Barcelona: a real place for tinder meeting LOL
  19. For a woman, it always good manner to give real kisses , this way, Alberto know that she will be always be there for him despite all the others that exist that he know... And me, if I dined, danced and drank (and smoke) with friends all night long, I can tell you that I will end up fucking like creasy knowing that my FWB are ok with that, why not ? And don't forget, I'm a very good person like Martina. Have fun !!
  20. "and don't hesitate if you want to wash my underwear, but be careful, there could be fluids that I don't really know where they come from"...LOL P.S Martina adding: "Big guy or Fat guy or Tal guy or Michael or Louis (?) they all produce a lot of load..."
  21. Don't forget, he do a lot a work physically: his jobs and fuck Martina.... And after Martina as her 'physical activities and exchange of fluids' at night, the day after, she want to prove to Alberto that his penis still have a place for her so Alberto have to perform again....in a way: Lucky Alberto ! It a win-win situation for Martina, Go Girls !!! P.S. But let's not forget that whether Alberto is available or not, Martina is and will always be looking for additional pleasure outside of her study or work hours no matter who she lives with for, at least, many many years.
  22. your.......right, woman we do it when we know that someone can have 'access' .....tonight......
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