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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Yes my dear Blacky, everyone love you , big kiss. I wonder how they were able to transport him to the vet to be euthanized, lying in the blanket, it was not easy to move him. I have already experienced this with my German shepherd, 14 years old, he was 130 pounds (he was mixed with malamute). Where does this picture come from ? It seems to be taken from outside.
  2. Nelly is back in town ! Oh My God, Nelly is back to the camera, intense and immense possibilities of scenario with Martina. The ingredients are gathered: Nelly, Martina, swimming pool, summer and the beautiful little dog with Nelley. Martina will live intense and happy activities with Nelly in this new villa. Alberto, get ready because Martina will frequently come home in the morning completely exhausted, drunk and stone. Wow, what beautiful scenarios in sight, isn't it? Wow wow !!!!!!
  3. And she is happy today, the big night was perfect for her....you know what I mean !
  4. For her big night out: There was a lot of preparation for Martina, the kind of preparation that you do, to make sure you are very beautiful and appetizing and that makes you a little nervous because you want to please and hope that it will lead to an intimate relationship with a new person, you have all experienced it for yourself ? This is exactly what happened with Martina, no doubt. Before leaving, Martina made sure to be sexually and explicitly available to Alberto, as usual, she wants Alberto to feel good before his big night (he ± enjoyed the moment, strange!) and this allows Martina not to feel guilty for her FWB relationship and towards us. She plans everything that Martina ! Yes girl ! In preparation for his big night out, Martina and Alberto looked at pictures of young women on Tinder and Martina was happy and funny to explain to Alberto these proposals from those women. Alberto was very interested, go see the video. So Alberto was well aware of Martina's purpose as usual: she was going to meet other women to have fun and have more sexual adventures. And we all know that Alberto is aware of this and when Martina does this, is part of the deal they have between the two. In short: Alberto gets the sex he wants (besides Martina offers more than he demand...) and Martina fulfills her important need for her libido with women, for now.... So no more questions about her big night out.... My question for you: When one in the couple cheats on the other, usually the one who cheats has less sexual desire for his couple (a signal for the other one that something is happening...). In the case of Martina/Alberto, isn't this what happens due to the fact that they have this agreement between them? P.S. I don't say that this is without consequences but for the moment, the deal between the 2 still holds after 10 years Wow ! and
  5. on the bed, the other night, they where watching porn movie, funny....
  6. Your profile pic is sooooooooooooo good, you have a very good taste. Love you !
  7. And add, when she put make-up, she look so young, attractive and sexual on top !
  8. Oh my God, now we do need not a translator but someone who reads lips LOL
  9. I know you love me too much, my dear young and creazy boy ! LOL Big kiss to you !!!! And hope the others here are not jealous 😘 Have good time ! And let watch what is happening to Martina
  10. Hi Jenny, I was on vacation the last 2 weeks in LA (great time for me), and I didn't do my usual follow-up of Martina...and Martina would have started her weekend parties again....Ah! our Martina still young for many years to come, a nice period of for her sexual peak again and again.....Bets are open for the day and her return time LOL. The nights are now very hot in Barcelona...and add some alcohol and pot, Martina feels a lot of heat and takes off her clothes wherever she is.... P.S I have to quickly 'review' what happened during the last 2 weeks, anything special you would have seen?...besides Alberto's lifestyle, Martina's showers, camping in the living room, fucks all over the place, Taco in the front row, Blacky lacking affection....what more?
  11. To Alberto: The more I watch Alberto compare with the other men in the other apartments, the more I like him, this guy has a lot of potential and it's not for nothing that Martina likes him a lot... Really weird for the 2: they are on different 'paths' but they fit together a lot. Ah! human nature, there is everything in it!
  12. Martina is not interested in going to the B4 with Nelly? It's often sunny and the tenants enjoy the sun 'full skin' with not much on their bodies. They could teach them how to create scenarios for RLC....because there not so much action.... Remember the old gang in B4 ?, we had a lot of stories with them, it was fantastic, remember when Martina was going to the B4, we knew we were going to have plenty of scenarios to think and to write about...That was a RLC LOL
  13. I have no doubt about it. I wrote my comments for you the forum community and as always, it is to share my impressions and that is the purpose of the forum and not towards RLC RLC is a company like any other and you consume the products or not and if you don't like a product, you don't buy it. The forum is not the place to complain to RLC. But strange the 2 hearts...I don't understand the logic behind it but like many things in life, there will always be everything in human beings. That Real Life without the Cam LOL. Thank you!
  14. I come back to the episode of 15 Apr around 2:00 am: * it lasted >1 hour, non stop * how could Alberto have 'held' so much? * Martina seems to be completely tired as she was with Nelly, she has trouble keeping up Yes, they had consumed pot before but still...knowing Alberto's average. Finally: to see the sex marathon with Kylie and co. and Masha the machine...no comment, Radi who doesn't know that clothes exist, no it's not RLC but rather cams on brothels, a 'chance' that we have Linda/Tibor to 'compensate' for real life. P.S With all this, I don't think I will stay on RLC anymore...thinking
  15. My observations: * Alberto constantly putting the covers back on, come on Alberto, you're on RLC, it's part of the deal to show! * in her journey, Marina is at the point of trying a threesome, getting sandwiched while giving oral sex, she is going to experience a level of pleasure she has never experienced and she is ready for it * on the side of Alberto, weird, he now tends to walk around naked, Alberto! on the side of nudity, we are here for Martina and on any woman who comes to the apartment, do you want to excite Bogdan who watches the videos? * also for Alberto, he was showing Martina, his testicles and they are small and rather tucked inside, Martina had a hard time finding them LOL, Martina looked like saying: "where is that?" and thought: "hum.... I have touched some much bigger than that and ready for a big oil change, I know how engines work" * And above all, Martina looks very tired after sex, quite rare.
  16. I forgot to mention that Martina and Candela tend to be shirtless while Alberto always has a thick sweater so it's not necessarily hot enough to be shirtless, but who's going to complain....so they do it because of RLC cam...Candela do it automatically now, she learns fast.. RLC have you noticed....Bogdan wake up !...Stop looking inside your short.... P.S. To Martina and Candela: it's so hot that you have to be topless all the time to allow the air to circulate around you and Alberto can offer his services to take your temperature with his famous rectal touch....
  17. @Moosecini I also have big doubts about the google map story but I'm still very intrigued that RLC could have done something. To make google map 'react', it's not easy. On the other hand, I am intrigued if Martina lives near one of the beaches, can she walk there? there are so many beaches in Barcelona... p.s. I follow you, if you have information one day. Keep the good work ! Kiss you !
  18. The part of Alberto was to 'illustrate' that in certain situations, Alberto could offer himself or Martina a lot of pleasure but that he misses completely. LA, because I work there a few years, long time ago, in the entertainment business.
  19. Candela has a very nice smile and she is very sexy, she has a lot of sex appeal. But I think she doubts it, I hope Martina will help her to rebuild her self-confidence because Candela deserves it very much, go ahead girls! Just by her look, her eyes, you can see that she is very intelligent...compared to the majority of the other girls in the other apartments. She has this 'human' side very developed like Martina. She deserves to find a man who will appreciate, love and respect her or if she want, a woman....I don't know What would be very interesting, imagine Martina and Candela having an apartment in RLC.....
  20. what happens when you have 3 people on the couch? you just have 3 people on the couch and no treesome (no bad thoughts LOL)
  21. why Martina went to sleep on the floor in the guest room in the late afternoon ?
  22. This week, vacation week for me but my brain is working at full speed anyway....a little porto to take the edge off..you know, I need it when my brain goes too fast. As Elvis once said to one of his bodyguards, "I need it man, I need it, don't come bothering me' Here is my inspiration of the moment: * play the song 'Cocaine' by Eric Clapton * replace the word 'Cocaine' with 'Martina' in the lyrics * stand in the bedroom and project on the wall, the video of Martina with Nelly, the long version... * take Martina in her new look with her new glasses, a bit drunk and a bit stoned and watch her dance and gradually remove her clothes during the song as she does so often in the bedroom and starts to masturbate while watching the video on the wall * take Alberto by her side and let him play the 'Air Guitar' to the music with a great solo that lasts, at least, 6 hours, the time of the video of Martina and Nelly * from time to time, make close-ups on Alberto's face who sweats a lot and can't stop playing without seeing everything that happens in the bed with Martina and the video on the wall but he continues, he doesn't stop playing the 'Air Guitar * And Martina, she can't take it anymore on the bed completely naked and convulsing with pleasure and starts humming the song "I can't get no satisfaction' by Rolling Stones Oh my god, should I go back to LA in the entertainment world ? P.S. And me in all this, the song 'Early Morning Rain' in my head, a signal that I have to fly to LA? Finally, one more shot or line and I'll think what to do ...feel free to help me with my decision.
  23. Indeed, he is caught in this dilemma, losing Martina would be too much for him and on the other hand, there is no man who wants to be a cuckold and worse, to know it directly from his girlfriend. The worst would be to add children in here, the child would say 'daddy' or 'mommy' to many people around Martina....
  24. You talk about repairing the water heating system, I'm imagining, the person who will come to repair it, could be: a handsome and confident young man or a young woman of the same type who would also have her hair cut in a triangle behind the neck at the same time, it wil be very hot in the apartment and of course, Martina would be walking around topless. and I can see the repairman asking Martina to take a shower to test the hot water. and don't forget, Alberto would be testing his playstation and would leave the repairman with Martina in the bathroom, the repairman would touch martina's skin to see if everything is ok or would adjust the system depending on whether martina's nipples are erect or not OH my god, a lot of possibilities here.... am I imagining too much or does it make you happy to know the rest of my scenario? P.S. Does Nelly know how to fix heathing system ? I can put her in my scenario....
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