Ok thank you because I've always take 6 months premium , but if I pay 200 $ i don't want to be ban, because i've seen they change a lot of things and they ban for any reason.
Hello guys,
Yesterday evening I was almost ready to take again RLC premium but I don't know exactly what has changed since 1 year I stop but I understand now it can be very risky , can someone please explain all these new changes ?
after months of pause, i was a ready to pay 6 months (180 dollars=150 euros), but the mafiaowner decide to block interesting things, fine = i save 150euros, forget this moneyonlysite.
and in the meantime, i was thinking about this situation, because i know that the illegal/disgusting/mafia owners of rlc will do nothing because these porks are accepting this situation, i personnally consider that this guy deserves 2 or 5 or 10 years jail, that's for sure.
sanper58 is doing good job and spend a lot of time on this board/forum, do not blame him for spending time and giving you animated pics, we clearly don't understand your comment "snaky"
absolutely, but when they hide themselves from cams, when they calculate best angle cams, or when they obfuscate the cams, that's less "real life". but someone earlier got a good comment, all this bizness is illegal, and is managed by mafia disgusting people, and that's "real facts".
i apologize for doing two identical posts and large pictures. i'm human and i'm agree with your responses, they clearly control everything, and control what they want you to see, i won't pay next month, it's not real life for me.
(rubberball50, due to my previous jobs, i have american dollar, canadian dollar and europe accounts)
i apologize for doing two identical posts and large pictures. i see too much rlc cams hiding and controlling what they want to stream and to show you, for me, it's not a real life. i will stop to pay next month, thanks all for your responses
(corboblanc you are totally right, it clearly proof that all this bizness is illegal, and this is why i need to stop paying )
i clearly don't understand you sir, i pay for a 24hours cam, so you said that they have the rights to show what exactly they want, do you clearly think that is real life ?
waouh, i wait your response ...
(private message to RLC Owner : ask them to be normal and to not hide themselves, it's your bizness to say them to be normal and to forget the cams in the apartments, because we pay for that)