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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. when Nicole gets into an argument, sometimes it gets messy . Remember Estelle ?? so maybe RLC cut it short before things got too far.
  2. Quand elle est avec les jumelles, elle les suit toujours comme un petit chien de poche. Même chose quand elle était à B1elle voullait surpasser toutes les filles. Mais j'admets qu'elle a un super BODY.
  3. So, soon we will have another UM at b4 and it might be a very long one if 2 new girls are coming in.
  4. Good idea girls to pack : roll up the socks and put them in your shoes BRILLANT !! take less space........
  5. Did she go to the toilet in front of LR to do it ??? Nope sh's back on her bed sunny side up.................
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