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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. If this was REAL LIFE, we would get to see the last goodbyes and maybe a tear Rolling down her cheek, but it's Real Life Scam !
  2. thank you I thought we were the first ones but the U.S. is always on step or two ahead of Canada (retarded country)
  3. You give this to a girl who doesn't like beer but you don't tell her it has alcool in it. But it has the same effect as beer. I'll write to them to see if they can do it with spruce beer also.
  4. The root beer I'm talking about is at IGA and it has the same feeling as regular beer .It's made here in Québec by Baron inc.
  5. I found Something new at the grocery store last week.........Root beer 5.9% alcool and cream soda 5.9% alcool very good to taste.
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