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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Maybe Stella met someone while she was away and he or she is watching her and maybe that is the person she talks to a lot on the phone............................
  2. M is the 13th letter in our alphabet Bikers use it for "Marijuana " in Belle's case it could be "Mother".
  3. Are you NUTs, I'm only giving my opinion you have the right to like her as much as you want. But I have the right to think otherwise of you ! I didn't say that I don't like her, I only mentionned that she doesn't bring anything new anymore, Thank you for letting me voice out my opinion.
  4. I know 90% of you guys love Irma, but I think it's time for her to go, I like her but she doesn't bring anything new anymore to this apt, Now, don't gang up on me, it's only MY opinion.
  5. The best thing we can do is leave this apt, if he shows up that will tell RLC that we do not accept his presence in this apt,
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