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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Well she's gone now and I don't see any girl being a "queen", they are all teasers and they play with us for the money. Fun to Watch but not real.
  2. Anytime you buy something, you want to see it first. So, they should put at least one free cam for any new apt. they put on so the Customer could have an idea of what he or she is buying. I would not buy something like a blind person.
  3. When will this thread have its own listing apart from Irma, Ilona and Polya ?? Working on it Stone Cold ??
  4. Ce téléchargement a été bloqué par mon système de sécurité étant un site d'hameconnage.
  5. Sorry but this is picture thread so I.m going back to Polya and Lola. Thank you I have two of them
  6. Yes it was funny but now I look with my new glasses and a eyeglass so I won't say things funny anymore, Just glad I made you laugh and not hate me.
  7. I learned my lesson and got new glasses (For Real )....................
  8. Thank you and please try to talk to me in french, you will see that I'm not that bad compared to most of you, no offense.
  9. Sorry I'm french remember ? So what do you call the part of the leg above the knee ??
  10. That is what a real woman looks like. A break from those skeleton models.
  11. Super Corbo, j'adore ton mix. Mais qui est la belle brune devant le miroir ??
  12. Bikini with the colors of the gay flag. Makes you wonder......................
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