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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Well good luck and happy viewing will leave now 'cause this is the picture thread.
  2. I used to do that too but sometimes you can get a virus. Safer with the network. Only 12 bucks a month and my friend pays half.
  3. From a person who can't go upstairs, Thanks to you all who post those pictures. Thanks to you we don't feel abandoned ant outcast.
  4. Yes, thanks to all that can go upstairs and keep informing us to what is going on. We really appreciate if mI could tip you all ......but I can't Legrandrobert
  5. She is back in and she went upstairs. I hope Kristy will let het sleep. So no more action for us who can only see downstairs. All we can rely on is the pics that our good friends from upstairs can provide us with all their generosity.
  6. Is Kami still on the balcony or did she go upstairs ?
  7. I told you English was not my first language, I did not mean a PARTY but in french a party could mean a reunion, an assembly, a group of friends interacting together.
  8. Some of us feel that way too but we say it in a different manner. Like calling her a partykiller.
  9. I think Kristy had enough, she motionned to Nora the music was too loud and went upstairs.
  10. True she is the mayor of that apt and I was told that we are not allowed to say that we hate her. let's just say we don't like her as much as KandK
  11. Did you see when Kamila pinched Kristy's breast ? It onle lasted a mili-second but I could not take a picture.
  12. Kami just pinched Kristy's breast could not take picture it lasted a nano-second.
  13. The way Kamila moves her head I think she.s getting a little woopsy .
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