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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Did you see the video when Kamila kissed Kristy on the boat ? She didn't know that video would end up on CC. It wasn't even ob RLC.
  2. I don't know , when I switched to RLC, she was alone in the living room. I can't go upstairs.
  3. I agree and remember, I never posted anything. All I get is invalid files. For me the case is closed. Apologies for the space and time taken.
  4. I don' want to offend nobody first of all. I'm sorry you don't remember the photos, but maybe it was Coco with Milana. They must have been deleted but, I remember they were outside the apt, and Milana posed with the man she slept with. I just hope somebody can remember and prove I'm not imagining things. As for the pictures of Kami model I'm with you on that one. But the video was even on YouTube and no name was mentionned, it was only an ad I'M sorry I am too stupid to upload the pictures but I have them One is Milana and Rita the background is a mountain. The other they are in the Streets the guy has lifted Milana and holding her in his arms and Rita is with another guy. Milana is wearing a cap backside in the front. Those were posted on camcap.net Anybody else have those pictures ?
  5. I don' want to offend nobody first of all. I'm sorry you don't remember the photos, but maybe it was Coco with Milana. They must have been deleted but, I remember they were outside the apt, and Milana posed with the man she slept with. I just hope somebody can remember and prove I'm not imagining things. As for the pictures of Kami model I'm with you on that one. But the video was even on YouTube and no name was mentionned, it was only an ad I'M sorry I am too stupid to upload the pictures but I have them One is Milana and Rita the background is a mountain. The other they are in the Streets the guy has lifted Milana and holding her in his arms and Rita is with another guy. Milana is wearing a cap backside in the front. Those were posted on camcap.net
  6. When pictures of Milana and Rita outside were posted onr together and another one with two boys, nobody ever said anything. The video is the same but without boys. What is the big deal ?
  7. FIRST, THEY WORE SHORTS, no escort would go out like that. Second, I don't think Kammi would be in the mood,and Third with all the kissing and playing and hugging and caressing each other I don't think they want to see a man tonight.
  8. The name that came up is not Kamila's . I typed it on Google and it showed different models. I think it's the photographer's name.
  9. As long as there is no ID or location, I don't see what harm could be done. It's just a photo of a model no ?
  10. Not post it please! Save it for ti. You can get banned and we do not want nor prohibiting you neither injure Kamila and have to leave the apartment.
  11. From the pics I've seen on reallife fan club, where she is coming out of the bathtub topless and Kristy is grabbing both breasts and Kamila has the biggest smile, I can deduct she loves to be touched. (i've tried to add the pics to this post but always get invalid file WHY ?? )
  12. Where is that bloody video ? All I get is one picture from dirty bin.
  13. THANK YOU k.lane I always liked downblouse pics, those are beauties.
  14. So I asked in the right thread but nobody gave me an answer, so, they went to the club and they are back ? In the same bed or in their own room ? Did Kristy try again with Kami ?
  15. I just came back from shopping. Are the girls in the apt. or did they go out again ?
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