But it wasn't most of the night, Sia and Michelle danced off and on for nearly 2 hours. There's simply no point in getting so worked up (not you corbo but others) at these girls because we have no way to know the circumstance. They could have been like hey Sia come hang with us outside and Sia said no thanks I'm going to keep dancing. I mean who knows, my guess is they will be all smiles in the morning and this will be a positive start for Michelle and Sia.
So much anger for such a positive night. They danced their little hearts out for the better part of 2 hours. It's a good sign of things to come.
Dance nights with Bell and Becca rarely lasted that long or ran this late. You have to go back to the Lola days and we all know why those girls were up all night.
I think the party would have simply ended when they went outside but Sia didn't want to sit out there and preferred to keep dancing.
this was a great start for the next wave, things are looking up for sure especially if Sia will be this involved considering it wasn't looking promising until tonight. Just hope Michelle can stay in B2
obviously not lol but was obvious, she placed her hands on her hips and bent right over. Just like earlier with pulling her straps down off her shoulders and telling her to remove her bra and showing her where to be for each camera. Been happening all night.
I really think it was just another coaching moment. Like hey hold off on the tits grabbing we'll build up to it kind of thing. Just seconds before that she whispered in her ear for Sia to put her hands on Michelles hips while she bend over in front of her and rubbed her ass into Sia's crotch.
Michelle has what it takes to be the queen bee here. She's friendly and engaging, she encouraging the others and slowly pushing the pace by having less and less cloths. She gets it, this is what we need.