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Everything posted by denizenkane

  1. Haha I like big words, probably makes me seem older ? Probably not about age on second thought. Pretty funny really how this group at CC of prodominantly men rack our brains over every detail and try to understand. Can any man truely make sense of how a young woman spends her time behind closed doors.
  2. Sometimes you can drive yourself crazy trying to understand some of the things that go on here. Like why on earth would Michelle spend hours doing her hair for seemingly no reason? Then I remember that I'm a man in my 30's trying to understand the eccentricities of women in the early 20's and everything makes sense again.
  3. Really doesn't seem likely anything is going down here at this rate. What was with all the hair and makeup? Strange.
  4. Well they were just smoking, I smoked for 20 years it's not uncommon to end up where ever you can smoke towards the end of the night. I only find it surprising because they are so mindful of the cams (almost to a fault) right up until they vanish.
  5. Really hard to understand what they are thinking with these long balcony visits. Playing out much the same as the other night.
  6. No doubt Lolas crew was able to create this kind of astomphere in a much more natural and sensual way. This is very erratic without as much substance but I'm still down with something happening over nothing at all.
  7. Why can't it be both? The more real life scenarios in the couples apartments and the more obviously contrived in the barcalona apartments? If it was openly two tiered that way then there would be less complaints for it to be one way or another and we'd all have more variety. From a business perspective they can take VVs business at the same time.
  8. Confusing day to try and catch up on through posts, what happened exactly? The camming was a problem today or made for good viewing?
  9. Any vids from Efim and his girl tonight would be greatly appreciated, here or pm. I see they finally had the couch turned around the right way again
  10. Do you guys get the sense that when guests have sex this openly that it is often an audition of some kind? Same with the couple at Stesha and Marcos the other night. Outside of party nights I mean.
  11. How are Sia and Candy of a different class than anyone else that has come through here? I get because Michelle is a cam girl you think she is a sex ringer of some sort but even if that is correct that's certainly no different than Rebecca and you loved her. There's no denying the house has been more active and topical in the last handful of days. Just not today.
  12. Michelle has been here what 5-6 days? Out of those days 3 of them have had noteworthy events. I'll take those odds any day in RLC. Not to mention she showed great power of motivation getting Sia up and having a good time a couple nights ago.
  13. Candy may not work out but there's nothing wrong with that as long as it's realized and she makes the decision to either go or stay and participate. The problem is when someone like Candy hangs around for two months watching television.
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