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Everything posted by costa049

  1. The winter olympics won't have much audience and China is facing a debt problem
  2. I think they've already sent some technician there. B4 UM
  3. They should have lanterns there for when their phones run out of battery
  4. I'm curious to see what they're going to do until getting to sleep if their phones run out of battery
  5. My guess is that the FR has a separate switchboard. A house can have more than one switchboard for different floors and compartments
  6. By the way, was Holly already sleeping? I didn't notice. O&U were already asleep
  7. And what about batteries? The outage occurred more than 20 minutes ago already and the cams are still on. Can't batteries run for some hours?
  8. They probably have power backup for the cams. And they are using the flashlights of their phones
  9. I just can't stop focusing on how Olivia looks like a baby in that costume
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