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Everything posted by costa049

  1. I don't mind splitting a thread into multiple sub-threads for less confusion/ traffic, whatever. Just let one reach its limit before opening a new one. I get confused if I see people replying on two sub-threads for the same main thread/ topic at the same time
  2. What I mean is, instead of opening a new thread when the older one is still open and getting replies, just let the current thread reach its limit before opening a new one, or open it before the last reply. So that people will know where to write in
  3. But i mean, like, it just gets more confusing. Just let the current threat end and then open a new one, or right before the current one is reaching the end
  4. It could just be opened right after or before the other one gets closed, so people know where to wirte in
  5. What's the purpose of opening a new thread when we're still writing in another one? It's just more confusing
  6. He just scared the hell out of Dani in the kitchen coming from outside
  7. If uncle Bog was there, it probably wouldn't have happened like this
  8. You got a point in here. But it can also be that she just isn't wanting to talk/ request/ demand anything directly out of fear of creating some conflict, and that barrier might be leading to her low mood and to stress within her. But as you said, only time will tell what will succeed, and let's see if they all get settled in an apt
  9. But I also talked about b5 indirectly by mentioning that Harley stayed home. But anyways, it is nonetheless very sad that she was the only one not going once again. She's never been at any other apt/ party/ meeting other than in b2, b4 (only once or twice) and now b6 only with Fiora, Olivia and Ulyana, the only ones who she always is with, either because they all lived together or because they meet at their apts. The fact is that, especially these last days/ weeks, she's been down (even argued with Fiora a few times in the meanwhile), and it can highly likely be related to the way she was settled on RLC's part, as the rest of them did, and left only with the couch (and even having to go thorugh the bedroom to go to the bathroom), affecting her mood and social life. But also with all this happening, and apart from how RLC settled them, they all should've already taken the responsibility to have talked and had an adult and friendly conversation that got to the crux of the matter in an effort to lessen the problem together, like switching (or even sometimes sharing) places, for example. They should also take her with them to the parties/ meetings in the other apts and/ or organize something at some apt out of that life circle, with other tenants/ guests, in order to make her socialize more and in the end raise her mood. She must be feeling despised in this sense of not having a decent room for her (and little to almost no effort on her mates/ friends' part), and, for an excellent girl like her, it sadly is lowering her mood, limiting her social life a lot and making her run the risk of leaving the project without having had almost any social life in there (especially being this her 1st stay)... Some action should've already been taken regarding this!
  10. I know, but I didn't know if it would really be OT or not since she actually stayed home
  11. O&U comforting Harley and giving her a kiss in each side of the face
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