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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Oh, I see you are maybe talking about Sunday or so? Yeah, I remember. I think they were off when Kylie and Rus were at b4 on Monday. They arrived at the villa and didn't attend the backyard meeting and didn't even go greet K&R, and went straight to sleep
  2. And are already leaving apparently 🤷‍♂️
  3. Wow, Harley already cleaned the couch/ bedside table and the couches themselves and put all the dishes and clothes to wash
  4. Harley back again. Both in the bedroom leaning against the mirror dresser very quiet
  5. Probably. I imagine Harley must not be feeling so comfortable with her situation of sleeping on the couch and having only one bathroom, in which she has to pass through the bedroom to get there. Their routine has pretty much been always almost the same in these last days. Both get to sleep at midnight/ 1am max. Fiora gets up early to work out and do her stuff and Harley sleeps until 12pm and gets up when Fiora goes out, and stays home on the couch or goes out too. Then they get together again (sometimes with Fiora's guy) at the end of the afternoon/ early night and eat together/ talk until going to bed again.
  6. They've already spend at least two days sleeping there actually and more without sleeping there, at least that I've seen. So yes, they should've helped and cooperated with the cleaning since they also made use of things, untidied and soiled stuff. And I also think that Fiora and Harley should've also already had an adult conversation that went into the crux of the matter and solved the problems at once
  7. But they don't sleep there all the time. They could share the bedroom and then each one of them sleep on the couch in turns when their guys come
  8. Harley just went to steal a spoonful of what Fiora cooked 😂
  9. Harley must be thinking like, why the heck did she suddenly come close the door? 😂
  10. He keeps trying to take off Fiora's shorts and fuck with her in the kitchen, but she keeps pushing him back and checking Harley who can hear and/ or suddently show up 😂
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