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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Yes, I think they've just closed the apartment for free guest
  2. I thought it didn't send when I reloaded the page since it wasn't wanting to submit
  3. Somehow it has been taking forever for replies to submit through the last few minutes, and I thought it didn't send when I reloaded the page
  4. Anna turns on the lights insted of opening the blinds to let natural light come in
  5. Anna turns on the lights insted of opening the blinds to let natural light come in
  6. Anna turns on the lights insted of opening the binds to let natural light come in
  7. True, but usually they don't wake up this late
  8. What have they been doing last night to have slept all these hours practically straight
  9. But it's at least curious all still sleeping at 6pm in the afternoon
  10. Anna just got up to drink some water and sit on the couch and Mila to eat a bit from a plate/ bowl in the fridge and back in bed. Lola still dead
  11. All three still sleeping at 6pm, even though Mila's been up one or two times to eat some mango and drink some water and pee, and Lola to pee (at least) 😮
  12. But the problem is also that many of the new girls have been tending to be more reserved and somehow tedious to watch, from what we've seen
  13. If they're working on replacements, Kelly should replace Radislava
  14. Mila's panties look a bit big, are they hers or did she take them from any of them?
  15. Her room looks completely empty and clean but she doesn't look ready to leave yet, still walking around in her underwear
  16. I wonder how she is so relaxed without her stuff
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