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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Harley finished her bottle, put a blanket on her and will keep drinking alone.
  2. And she fell asleep over Harley's leg, halfway through the bottle.
  3. But she keeps eating and drinking. Opening the 4th or 5th bottle of beer now at least, corona this time.
  4. Is that a joint or just normal rolled tobacco?
  5. They should change it to Megan and Yana then lol
  6. Cams fucked up again. Right when Megan went to shower...
  7. Ashley getting ready to leave.
  8. She's been in my top ever on RLC too. And she might be more lazy now due to her depression and whatever bad has happened in her beautiful life, which she will certainly surpass. And although onlyfans may not be considered a job, it still is a source of income.
  9. Like I said, it's pure speculation. She has or had her onlyfans, and none of us know what else she does or has done, besides RLC. And especially in this moment we should show respect and care for her and for her lovely personality, plus with one of the best and sexiest bodies on RLC, even with her little weight gain (most probaly due to what's going on with her). She has to surpass this hard moment and depressive crossing in her life.
  10. They still talk and smile with each other and kiss/ touch, which leads me to guess it may not be marriage issues. They haven't gotten mad at each other or had any major and aggressive fight since they came to RLC, as far as I know (which may also mean nothing, because on a healthy relationship/ marriage couples also argue and show their disagreements with each other). They just haven't been having any sexual activity lately, and her low/ gloomy mood can highly likely be reducing her desire. I guess it can be something related more to Linda's family or covid or work, or maybe both. All of which may also explain her long periods of time in the hidden restroom sometimes or her constant change of clothes/ weight checks. But this is just pure speculation. We can see how Tibor still likes her and cares about her after all, even if he doesn't show it much or in the best way sometimes, and how she still shows her little appreciation, but he should try to better understand her and try to take her to therapy. And since she is an active person who works out and dances, she could dance more and/ or also try yoga and meditation as a way to free the negative energies inside her. And they should definitely bring more guests around.
  11. I didn't think she was this young. But happy birthday!!
  12. And another one. Maybe another clients of Tibor (?)
  13. I think it would be good for their health if they had more guests again like before.
  14. Tibor is back wih a guest. Linda looks a bit happier.
  15. Her depression's been hitting hard lately, especially since her crying period last year. She looks apathetic almost everyday the majority of the day, sitting on the couch and doing her things around the house while listening to a bit depressive music. And many times he goes around her and she is reactless. I guess the only thing Tibor could try to do is take her to psichological therapy or go with her to marriage therapy.
  16. No. 😂 But it looks like it, and her behavior in the last days has been practically following them and walk around between B4 and B7.
  17. Ari looks to be just following them, not really going out with them. 😂
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