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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Her depression is hitting hard. She looks apathetic the majority of the day. And besides them not having been making sex lately, she even goes to bed later than him in a down mood.
  2. If so, it will be one of the greatest losses for RLC...
  3. I loved Tasha's open bates. And it's a pitty that she left the project.
  4. So than we can consider it more of a flirtation/ hook-up.
  5. I'm not even talking about the others who live with them, even if they feel ok with it. I'm talking about natural privacy concerns from themselves, them spending more time away at their bfs apts, etc.
  6. What I'm saying is that it's always a bit complicted to have a bf when we live in a shared apt. And we have examples of that, like Karol and Kos, as I've mentioned, who both ended up moving to an apt. And we can start seeing her away from the apt. more often, like today and as she used to do in B6.
  7. To me this whole thing of her living with Uly as roommates while having her bf won't result, because either they split up, and we dont know what can come after that, or she will move out alone with him. I don't see her continuing to live there with Uly, with him visiting all the time. Look for what happened with Karol.
  8. I don't believe Harley stays for too long, since she has her boyfriend...
  9. Why do you say so? I don't imagine how it would be Harley with Olivia instead.
  10. Maybe because B1 was always intended to be more of a GOV apt. since the beginning. But now, after a year break, Uly and Harley got a totally new apt. to live as roommates, and they brought lots of clothes. Let's see how this goes.
  11. Uly was first a couple with her ex Marat, and her apt. shut as a consequence of the shutdown of the russian apts. Later on they were a couple on vacation, and they split up after they left Prague. The difference between this last stay in RLC/ Barcelona and now is that they were always tenants on vacation whereas now they are officially roommates, which leads us to say that this is a more permanent apartment/ stay. And I assume by her history on RLC, and now by this move, that she always wanted to come back as a more permanent tenant. And let's not forget how mistreated Harley was in B6. And I also hope there are no complaints from neighbours as it has sadly happened in the past with others.
  12. I swear to god they also looked like it in the beginning.
  13. And a new tab on the site with their profile pictures. A real decent announcement and welcome with all the pomp and circumstance as they deserve. RLC can always surprise for good!!!
  14. There is. She's been sleeping outside of RLC for more than a week or two straigh already and barely shows on cams in B1 and has never visited other apts.
  15. I wonder how Zhanna hasn't been kicked out yet
  16. It's just Alsu from B4. And the open suitcase is hers, because she came back from her small stay in B1
  17. Zhanna must be kicked out at this state.
  18. I was somehow predicting her loss of defences and surrender to him
  19. Zhanna is a much more serious case than the rest of them.
  20. In the beginning she was still sleeping there but now it's become more serious. I agree with you in this specific regard, I'm just giving a little chance.
  21. To clarify, I know and defend that this should be about real life and they musn't be "obligated" to be on cams all the time. But being away from RLC for days/ nights straigh and almost never showing up and never being in any other apt. like she's doing, and still being paid, is not the way.
  22. Let's see how it goes. If she doesn't chnge her behavior, then yes. Because again, we're not talking about once in a while, but days/ nights straight. And she very rarely shows up on cams too, not even at other apts, which leads me to think she's just in the project for the money.
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