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Everything posted by costa049

  1. The guest girl is alone on the couch while they are at the terrace 🤷‍♂️
  2. Well, one of the couples ( didn't notice if the model couple slept there) still had to take a somehow long travel since they are from Girona (supposedly, from what I've read)
  3. Of course they do whatever they want, but if last time they didn't have problems why did they have this time? Right?
  4. Ok, they knew that C&Y were coming back home and hid from them 😆
  5. Milena called a taxi for Fiora and Mimi ad they're waiting on it
  6. I doubt too, they may replace K&R with a local couple because of COVID. And it would be a nice idea
  7. Changing subject, that's also true. And as vanilla says it's latin blood 😎
  8. The problem is that we can also be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms with this virus, and it's preferrable to act always as if we are infected (without being crazy, of course)
  9. We don't know where they all where at and who they had contact with, and even if they all were tested, so they all should always act as if they are infected, even not being (because we all know that we can be asymptomatic)
  10. If you think like that you are not humanist and you are individualistic, I'm sorry, not to offend you. And if everyone thinks that way, we won't be preserving the world in which we all live
  11. We do not have to know the sanitary rules of any country to have good sence and logic and try to preserve our lives to the fullest in a pandemic
  12. It's great seing them all together and partying, but not in this period of time
  13. But he's not wrong at all saying that. They should experience being sick and near death (not die, because I don't wish death to anyone) because of being all together like this (which is great, but not under this situation we're all living)
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