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Everything posted by costa049

  1. All of this between Aziza, Ari, Gloria, Ant and Dylan is weird. Plus Ari has been drinking for more than two days straight.
  2. I just wonder why Ari is sleeping there on the couch next to them 😂
  3. To me Ari just has to stop being too clingy 😁
  4. I wonder how they haven't already gotten tired of Ari. Too clingy.
  5. Yep that's sad. If she's already this clingy sober, I wonder when she drinks.
  6. Oh yes you are right. But if I were them I woul've already gotten tired of her.
  7. It really looks like Ari is clingy and begging for attention 😂
  8. Since she has a more slutty look and personality, it can highly likely happen that he falls in love with her and she plays with him.
  9. I am sorry. But I also know the majority of people will understand since those initials are from the only hosts of B5.
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