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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Eventhough she came back, b1 was not the right place for her and Alana was a bad influence too... They should put her in a better place
  2. It's curious that nothing changed yet (neither UM nor name changes) 🤨
  3. 1813 B1 dead. A strange silence. Irma sick sleeping on the couch and Alana also about to go to sleep in bed already
  4. Yeah, she has so much potential in the project that they shouldn't let her go
  5. She's in the balcony now and she's never been there before, or rarely
  6. I'm kind of surprised that Alana didn't get that sad tho
  7. That's true, let's see what happens. No UM yet or any changes in the namings
  8. We dont know, it's a possibility as it happened with the twins
  9. Unless they withdraw someone. Monica seems the most indicated, since she's there for more than 2 months now
  10. If she doesn't go to b4 or anywhere else in rlc, then, in my opinion, they've lost a preciousness. Well, so in case she leaves rlc, it's a sad goodbye
  11. From what I see here, they have a sort of contract (maybe their bill) in the kitchen, and they also gave two big parties, both in b1 and b4, so most probably Kristy (who has been there for 2 months now), and maybe Alana too may leave, as Kristy was packing today. And in my opinion, eventhough bringing repeated tennants constantly is not the solution, Kristy is one of their best gems (she has shown her potential before, in the old Kami times in here and even more in r1) and so she should be treated better, like Masha and Leora, getting moved to a better place in there. This is what I think. And Alana is being a bad influence for her, so she should be departed. About the rest, rlc should rethink on their strategy to grow back
  12. Kristy has been packing today, and Alana seemed like she had been packing too. And like an hour ago or so, Kim and Cindy at least went there and Kristy and Alana went up to their rooms and started messing with stuff and then they took a quick bath. And so I thought they were packing to leave. And now they are both not home, just Irma
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