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Everything posted by costa049

  1. It's the same thing like in Portugal. In Portugal we also have groups of people (also called Tunas or Tunas universitárias) from the universities dressed like this who play and sing too (mostly fado).
  2. It just shows how poor the site server's capacity is/ has been, and they really need to upgrade it. The streams frequently have playback issues, such as freezing, jumping and reloading when there is a bit more traffic in the site. This has been happening for years now, but RLC just keeps not giving a shit.
  3. For sure! And beyond her body and her dance skills, painting skills, etc. she is one of the best hosts and one of the best tenants when it comes to organizing parties. She should come back. RLC is in real need of some tenant like her, and I haven't seen any tenant like her for a long time!
  4. And Tani and Tim will go to Tani's room to do their thing very shortly too. This short pseudo-meeting is just a tease for a split. Lilith and Nelly are already off.
  5. So apparently Taylor and Elettra speak italian with each other.
  6. They were all just on the phone with someone they will meet
  7. End of argumentation with people with a small brain.
  8. You just said it well. And, by showing their private lives, they are supposed to act naturally, not to be acting to provide sexual performances all the time, since they are just normal people living their private lives, not actors. Because in your private, life you don't representate. You are yourself and live your own life as it is and let things happen over time naturally, eventhouh your behaviors, intentionally or not, can change its course. And this is what RLC was built about, and that's what's the fascinating part of all, to be surprised by the beauty of the unexpected.
  9. To make it clear: Pornography–"porn" or "porno" for short–is material that depicts nudity or sexual acts for the purpose of intentional arousement of readers or viewers from an actor/ actress. However, the presence of nudity or sexual acts in a piece of media does not necessarily make that media pornographic if the purpose of that media form is something other than, specifically, intentional sexual performance for viewership arousement. And this automatically contradicts RLC's policy since, once again, there are no scenarios and no actors performing all the time, like on a cam model or porn site.
  10. Like moos said after, I have to drive to get to work, it is an essencial part of the process. But I don't get paid for driving to work, I get paid for the job itself. And on RLC it works the same way. They are paid to show their private lives in front of the cameras, just that, and what they do is up to them, since it is their private lives, and even as RLC themselves specify, they aren't actors and there are no scenarios. RLC just gives them the freedom to include adult content.
  11. Holly and Thor strangely haven't been arguing or not talking to each other lately. Either they still aren't well and are trying to avoid tension or they have finally solved their problems. But we also haven't seen Thor drinking, which leads me to think that most of the tension can partially be caused by the effect of alcohol on them, especially Thor. On the other hand I want to positively believe they have solved all their problems once for all. But only time will tell. And to conclude, they must realize that they have to have more control over what/ how much they drink, since it has always backfired.
  12. I was revisiting some posts from older archived apts and it just came to my mind how people used to see RLC, in such a pure way, juts commenting on "every" movement from the tenants and what was happening on cams, and without constantly criticizing and complaining. And it was also rare to have periods of absence of posts. I miss those times...
  13. If she is frequent or even resident, as it frequently happens a lot with many guests on RLC (not all), wouldn't it be better just making them real tenants (even if just for a relatively short period of time)?
  14. Everything seems fine now. But all the "hype" became a flop. It all just seems a more private show after all.
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