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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Doesn't make sense. It's better placed in FAQ, to let people know that it is normal that they can be outside and what they can be doing, amongst other things, when we see an apartment empty or some tenant not there.
  2. "People living in the apartments are real people leading active way of life. They can be at work, studying, working out in the gym or simply leave to do the shopping."
  3. Exactly, because that's not their purpose.
  4. Fan clubs apart, which is also not my thing, there can be any possibilities, since we don't know what they do outside. RLC points, amongst other stuff obviously, that they can be at work or studying, as Esmi is doing (seeing by when she takes the course books with her). But she can also be doing many other things.
  5. Looks like Esmi isn't in the mood to go up there.
  6. Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but that's a very good observation and a valid hypothesis I haven't thought of.
  7. Btw, Karol keeps looking around to see if anyone will show up 😄
  8. Doesn't mean that they don't have to fix it.
  9. First, that's why I said it is a tough question. And second, expecting (which is what we all do) is different from having the duty to demand, since RLC states that they aren't actors. And from the moment they start doing what people demand, they become actors, which becomes a contradiction.
  10. @thinga69 That is a tough question, because since they are just living their lives and aren't obligated to do anything, as for example on cam girl sites (if you pay them directly in tokens to do stuff), they can do it or not. Doesn't mean that either they will never do it or they have to do it whenever we want. The fact is just that there's a very high probability of it to happen, and then we just expect it to happen. That's it.
  11. She also used to spend some nights out in her stay at B4, especially on weekends.
  12. That's a good observation. Sometimes on projects like this having a guy isn't everything.
  13. I'm sorry, but again, I don't know people's concept of "doing nothing" in here, since tenants aren't obligated to do anything. They are just living real life, as RLC states themselves.
  14. Sorry, I didn't understand what you mean.
  15. About that, as I said, RLC states about it in their FAQ.
  16. I don't know people's concept of doing nothing since tenants are living real life and aren't obligated to do stuff.
  17. At least Cleo, as you said, Karol, Marlene, Radi, Harley and Fiora that I remember.
  18. Go read their FAQ about that then. And you have some lack of coherence, since there have been many other tenants who have spend and have spent a lot of time outside, who I haven't seen you complaining this much about. And again, to let clear, I'm not saying this because of Esmi or to defend anyone. I'm talking in general.
  19. It's sad that you bury a girl like that, especially when she's not ok and we don't know what is going on. And I'm talking in general, not just because it's her. And not to offend you, but I wonder how you treat your partner when she doesn't do what you want whenever you want...
  20. So then it's better that she goes out and cools down her head and throws problems away.
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