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Everything posted by costa049

  1. This about Luna is still so strange to me. She looked like she was feeling at home in that Villa and seemed to be liking the atmosphere there. She even showed interest with the dance classes and shared her interest with Holly, and even told her she was going to be participating when she got back from England this week. 🤔
  2. And no one keeps caring about Eva. She is just physically there and just won't go away.
  3. Also no one is even caring about her anyway.
  4. And what if she doesn't even come back and just leaves, as happened with Tweety in December?
  5. And right now she's dancing happy and touching Marlene.
  6. Has anyone already realized that the couch isn't well settled?
  7. Why? She doesn't feel or look so shy at all in front of the cams and likes to socialize with the others.
  8. I just don't get this apparent last minute decision on Luna.
  9. Privacy is the ability and the right of an individual or group to seclude themselves or hide information about themselves from other people, and thereby express themselves selectively.
  10. Zabava feels more "at home" in the Villa. She could move to there and leave her sister with more privacy.
  11. But she is a very nice girl, beyond beautiful. And almost all the other tenants like her and interact with her.
  12. Dana and Zara still sleeping. I think we can already call it hypersomnia.
  13. Stalking is fallowing someone, personally or virtually, and can lead to the extreme of hurting the person's psychological and emotional integrity. Courting can be understood as a behavior of getting attention from someone, either just in a social context or sexually (even though not necessarily) and seduction can also have multiple meanings as, amongst others, mainly the form of power to sexual intercourse. Even though all of them can have sexual purposes, they necessarily don't need to have that purpose specifically, at the same time. Hope I answered you the best way.
  14. And Nelly and Bogdan, Luna and Zabava. Don't know if I'm missing someone else that has been there.
  15. The party had already split up a while ago. I fear it will be over soon.
  16. He is more like a seduction god as ddhm named.
  17. But she also has some guilt with her behavior and her games.
  18. Not all the time, but I will have to agree a bit with you.
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