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Everything posted by costa049

  1. At least this couple brings guests. And nice guests, by the way. 🙂
  2. RLC introduced single male tenants in the vacant section in an attempt to widen their audience. That's a quite smart move.
  3. Not in good terms you meant? And I disagree a bit regarding what they do, which is up to them. For the rest, they should fix at least their familiar relationship, because in the end they are sisters.
  4. Yep. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife...
  5. Yep, it's Kristy. I wonder what has happened.
  6. Not a completely valid comparison. Other tenants have had their names put in the apartments they moved to, like for example Pam, Mila, Radi, etc.
  7. But Leora is a pure exhibitionist, ever since the Russian times.
  8. It's strange, but maybe it could be that she didn't want to go with Esmi there for some reason? Pure speculation.
  9. She should fix all the issues with her sister first.
  10. Lavika left again. Esmi alone pantless.
  11. I think that, while this is about real life and they "aren't actors" and the purpose is that they pretend to not know about the presence of the cams and just show their life in front of them, many of them (mainly with the opening of B2) started to go further as you said and act a bit more and took advantage of that. And it became a double-edged sword, because since then people started demanding stuff from the tenants, which isn't the purpose.
  12. Despite being good for them, it's sad on the other hand that they sell themselves and lose their essence for money.
  13. Totally agree. As I said before, despite all RLC mistakes and amateur issues, they are not new in the market/ business (11 years), and they always know what they are doing. Take the example of the tech quality and the placement of the cams where we don't spot them and there aren't any cables visible.
  14. Luna seems really interested in the dance classes too.
  15. Sweet or sex? Both. And Luna to Thor: now I know what he likes (laughing).
  16. Talking about addictions. Luna is very addicted to chocolate, especially nutella.
  17. She definitely feels more free away from the shadow of her sister. It was a stupidity to settle them together in a room, as I had been saying in the beginning. Tenants should never share rooms, for the sake of their own privacy and space. I just hope she never loses her naturalness and becomes too fake.
  18. Marlene has some redness on her right leg.
  19. Totally agree. And Esmi fits better in the Villa for sure, for the reasons we already pointed.
  20. Looks like Esmi is not into going back to B1, at least for now.
  21. More that bitch than the others you've mentioned. The others aren't in the same level.
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