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Everything posted by costa049

  1. I doubt Esmi goes, since she and Zaba still seem to be not in good terms. But I can be wrong.
  2. I wonder why Lavika left from B4 to B7. 🤔
  3. So Kristy in B6 and Alana and Lavika in B7. Karol in B1 and Esmi outside.
  4. I thought you were taking about the guest room (Tweety's former room). Kylie and Zabava were there.
  5. Good point. Let's see if she still gets ready late, if it is tonight.
  6. Or maybe she's going to the Villa, who knows, if the party is indeed today and she got invited.
  7. Zaba taking stuff from the fridge with her in a bag.
  8. Yep. Karla and Yanai used to use the dehumidifier a lot and used to take frequent showers in these months.
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