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Everything posted by costa049

  1. They must have really been waiting for this moment.
  2. And cam 2 still 1st in the previews straight from the beginning.
  3. And making out again. I wonder if they are aware that they're being watched by hundreds of people.
  4. We definitely need them to join the project.
  5. Look at them kissing and caressing each other super intimate and with a lot of passion and sensuality! 😍
  6. They would do a very nice couple, or even roommates on RLC. And we should all definitely inform RLC about it!
  7. They should both join RLC together. I've already emailed rlc about it and I think we should all do it. This is gold, for us and for them!
  8. I sais it based on what I saw from him on that moment.
  9. Now the two friends are intimate with each other and touchy.
  10. Caroline and her friend kissing and caressing each other on the couch. And Park seems to be feeling at ease with it.
  11. I just hope not. But it annoys me a bit her not wearing the mask correctly too.
  12. I saw, don't know if it has anything to do with it or not. Today her siffles seem a bit worse.
  13. Vladellia keeps constanltly sniffling.
  14. At least everything still seems fine between them two, as they smile at each other and talk with each other at the dining table. Let's see how it develops over time in case they want to keep living together.
  15. They chose to keep living together, otherwise they both wouldn't have moved from the other apartment to this new one still as housemates, beyond as friends I believe they are. So RLC should provide them a two bedroom apt in case Elli really wants to have her guy in the apt and Vlad wants to keep living with her and/ or even gets a guy too. Otherwise this situation being prolonged in time will become unsustainable for both of them, either in terms of privacy as in terms of freedom and ease to walk around the house, and even in terms of rest, since one of them will always have to be sleeping on the couch, especially Elli and her guy or Vlad and her future guy who knows, and that will start affecting Elli and Vlad's relationship.
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