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Everything posted by costa049

  1. From what I could here she keeps saying repeatedly to the person who she is on the phone with that she doesn't wish anything bad to him and she's begging him to leave her alone in dispair...
  2. Is Roxy new Masha's lesbian partner? They've been too sweet to each other all the time and there seems to be some connection between them by the way they interact with each other. Will this be a new lesbian couple? If so, I like!
  3. I don't think sleep deprivation makes her act that way. Of course not everyone reacts the same way to sleep deprivation and I don't want to be taking any conclusions but to me the way she's been acting sounds more like some mental illness.
  4. Not only roommate but her friend as RLC has officially informed.
  5. Seda really does talk to herself a lot and acts very weirdly.
  6. Can someone explain what shit happened?
  7. Lots of movement between the entrance and the "garage"...
  8. Goddess Linda, you should be pantless and with titties out more frequently! 😍
  9. No news? Linda has been sick or with allergies apparently in the last few hours.
  10. Kelly retired to her room. Amalia alone on the couch.
  11. Idk what's wrong but today she only wants to be lying down, either in bed or on the couch under blankets.
  12. Lilith dancing for herself alone in the living room
  13. Where does the door on the right seen on camera 2-9 lead to?
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