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Everything posted by costa049

  1. And then they have to keep running to the restroom ๐Ÿ˜
  2. I think just because there's no more space in the fridge.
  3. If I watch them, they aren't a waste anymore ๐Ÿ˜
  4. I will repeat that you should stop complaining and demanding when you don't understand the concept, and stop watching and paying for it if you are not happy with it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. I updated the reply, sorry. And they can advice that the site contains that type of content and sell it as a bonus, since it isn't a porn site.
  6. You didn't get what I said. I said precisely that. The content (especially sexual content) is a bonus. As you rightly said, they are young and healthy and will surely have a sexual life, and even if they don't masturbate or have sex on cams on a certain moment, they can or will be doing that outside. But we also have to take into account that they might just not be in the mood for that (because of something that happened in their lives or whatever) or they are just a bit more shy with the cams.
  7. Again, you were right in almost everything you said. It isn't a problem, it is what is is. As @StnCld316rightly said, viewers just expect those things to happen on cams, and if they happen, which is highly likely, it is a bonus. And as you rightly said, they are young and healthy and will surely have a sexual life.
  8. You are right in almost everything you said. But again, what they do or not do is their own decision and we have to comment and speculate about what happens on cams or what will happen when they come back from outside.
  9. If you want sexual content 24/7 at your choice, you have other sites for that. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. RLC doesn't censor anything. It is the tenants' own decision to have sex or bate or not, which they end up doing, sooner or later. And what if they just don't do it? It shouldn't define them or give them more or less value, since they are living their private life and aren't obligated to do anything. End of discussion.
  11. I love that you keep complaining about something of which you misunderstand the concept, and keep paying for it.
  12. Just because a girl, who is living her private life, hasn't had sex or hasn't bated on cams, it doesn't mean she is a-sexual or that she doesn't have value as a woman. You guys really need to stop objectifying girls and respect them more. Who posts garbage then?
  13. I hope those new panties cheer Esmi up and give her even more self-esteem and more comfort to be wearing them around the house ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. It's to cheer herself up and for her self-esteem. And I hope to please us too ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. This is why I say each people react and behave differently to the presence of strangers or even cams in a house. And I don't want to bring back this discussion, but for some people these girls just can't have these down moments in their private life... I hope her mood raises fast.
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