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Everything posted by costa049

  1. This is why I say you, as many others, only think on sexual stuff.
  2. What I mean with all this is that people don't have the right to complain about the tenants when RLC still provides various tenants and apartments where they're always doing something, until the others do something too. And you are absolutely right, if someone isn't liking it or doesn't even watch, they can get out of it.
  3. He didn't say it happens or not and how much, he said that going out is what makes them socialize and be with people that sometimes they bring in, if I understood correctly.
  4. People just concentrate on criticizing those instead of also watching all the others and just wait for what those ones can still bring. And yes, great horny moment from Marlene 😋
  5. I'm not even saying you are toxic. I'm saying that this argumentation will end up turning the topic toxic.
  6. Unfortunately, some people just won't change their minds and their ways of thinking and seeing things. That's the society we live in...
  7. I'm sorry you just can't think beyond, and I can't keep arguing with you in this regard. Better just keep things like this and not turn this topic toxic with this argumentation.
  8. But that isn't something programmed still. They do that as part of their private lives. And being a voyeur and watching someone's private life means that, even with a routine, you never know everything they will do (alone or with someone else, meaning other tenants, friends, guests or whatever else) or what will happen that can change the direction of things on cams.
  9. Sorry, I miss-rote, and I will rephrase. Beyond criticizing that they are out all the time (which isn't true) you always find them boring when they aren't bating or aren't without clothes and doing some show, and so on.
  10. Beyond criticizing that they are out all the time (which isn't true) you always find them boring when they aren't bating or aren't without clothes, and so on.
  11. I'm sorry to correct you, but RLC is not a site to see people having sex or bating or doing sexual shows 24/7. And I'm also sorry that you think you get NOTHING in return.
  12. And I'm sorry that you just take one sentence and don't take consciousness of the matter.
  13. I have nothing more that I can say to you in this regard other than just express my shame.
  14. I'm once more very sorry and feel ashamed that many like you still just see them as robots and sex machines who have to be ready 24/7 to satisfy people's sexual needs and nothing more. I seriously start to wonder in what society I live in.
  15. I just feel ashamed of seeing people here everyday just criticizing and objectifying them, as they always have to be satisfying their needs.
  16. I'm very sorry that you and many other people mainly see these girls as robots and sex machines... I have nothing more to say in this regard.
  17. You don't get the point. Even if you have a routine you aren't a robot who only does things that are programmed. But unfortunately, many people here mainly see them as robots...
  18. I forgot to mention that the most exciting part of all that is this is that we never know what they'll do when they are home or what will happen when they come back in, unless there's something more fake or something more predictable, and we can share our comments and speculations on that.
  19. That's part of private life, sometimes they stay more time in and sometimes they go out more, but they always show up.
  20. They aren't always off all the time, sometimes they even spend more time on cams during the day. And being out is a part of living private life. And people have lack of coherence, since there have always been other tenants who spend a lot of time out (even 24h or more), who people haven't complained this much about. And it's more exciting to wait for what will happen when they come in, and watch the other tenants and apartments in the meantime, and comment and share speculations on that, instead of complaining all the time that they are out.
  21. There have always been many tenants who spend a lot of time outside and I haven't seen people complain this much. I will say again that people should watch more what they do on cams and wait to see what will succeed when they come back home, and comment on that, instead of just coming here to criticize them for being out or not doing what we want, when there's always various tenants and apartments to watch. Why don't people complain now that Karol and Marlene are just sitting on the couch watching tv instead of being bating or doing something more fake/ performed for the cams, for example?
  22. You are missing the main point my friend. Of course I don't want to decide what you do or do not want to see. I just say that people should enjoy more and criticize less the tenants if they don't satisfy their needs. If your needs aren't satisfied in one place, you have many other places on the internet where you can satisfy yourself, instead of just coming here to criticize all the time, while they are just living their private lives. That's it. End of argument for me.
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