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Everything posted by costa049

  1. You seriously should read it when you have time 😉
  2. I like to see it, I don't keep demanding it or criticizing them for for not being like that all the time. It's very different 😉
  3. You shouldn't say anything when you talk about something of which you don't understand the concept, and don't like it, but keep paying for it and complaining/ demanding.
  4. Of course, but I'm talking in general (fucking, masturbating, etc).
  5. Very important! People here complain and demand everyday when they don't understand the concept. They don't like it but they keep paying for it.
  6. You just said it how it is, better than anyone else. 👏
  7. They say in their FAQ that they are no actors and there are no scenarios, it is just normal people living their private lives. So again, better get lost.
  8. A cam-girl is by definition a girl who poses and acts for a webcam. These girls are living and showing their private lives on (not to) cams installed in the apartments they live in, in which they eventually show sexual content, amongst other things. So, you better get lost.
  9. I understand so well what a cam-girl is that I know that there's specific cam-girl sites. So I won't waste more of my time in this argument.
  10. I will only say that doesn't say anything. They just advice that the site can contain that type of content, while they also say in their FAQ that the people in the project are't any actors with any scenarios, just normal people living their private lives with cameras installed around the apartments where they live in, recording them 24/7. And in their private lives they can show sexual content, as they do, so that's why the advice. 😉
  11. It is a complete shame that there's still people here and in today's society who still live in the past, where women always had to be ready to do what man demanded and nothing more. I seriously hope that this doesn't perpetuate te back and people take serious conscience of themselves and change their sexual and male chauvinist ways of thinking.
  12. I repeat that if you don't even watch you can simply stop complaining everyday and get lost.
  13. You said you don't even watch anyway. Why don't you just get over with your constant complaint and get lost then?
  14. No content (meaning no pussies pointing to cams all the time or bating or being naked all the time). You people are a shame for objectifying these girls with your perverted 24/7 needs...
  15. I, as many of us rightly criticize her for her bad behaviour. Not just because she is out or doesn't have her pussy pointed to a cam all the time. I don't keep complaining because they don't satisfy my sexual needs all the time 24/7. That is something different. And there's lots of lack of coherence here, when there's always been other tentants spending even a day or more out, who I haven't seen people complain this much about.
  16. Maybe because on the one hand I wouldn't see her bringing some guy in without talking with them (but I can be wrong for bad), and on the other hand she has no privacy there unfortunately...
  17. Sorry, war related stuff in the proper thread please 😉
  18. They should have no social life and have her pussies pointed to the cams all the time.
  19. For you they shouldn't have social life, because they aren't off-cam all the time. But let's just keep things like this. End of argument.
  20. You just said, and well, that if there's other apartments why bother with the sisters, and it applies to you. You bother too much with them being out or doing "nothing" when you have other apartments to watch until they also show up on cams and do something. You've shot yourself in the foot. 😉
  21. Yes, of course, but the problem is that people complain in here as if it was some porn or cam-girl site, in which they can choose specifically what to watch and with girls ready to act and do what they want all the time.
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