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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Out. Maybe she will make her new hair shine
  2. I agree. I also think it also has to do with the amount of people watching a certain cam or room
  3. Yes Esmi, don't be shy. Turn on the lights, take your pants off and just relax 😉 😊
  4. Maybe a family member or a home country friend then
  5. Let's all cheer her up for her new hair! 😃 😊
  6. Wow, look at Esmi! She must have gone to the hairdresser and she looks very beautiful 😊
  7. Yes, on the one hand thinga has a point. She is a war refugee and was just in need of a home, but what if she slowly gets more attatched with the project to show herself more to us? She can still not feel entirely comfortable with the cams. And on the other hand, as you rightly said, even Zabava had sex on her first weeks and lost her freedom when her sister arrived and they started sharing the room. So, amongst many factors and hypothesis, all of this can mainly be due to those two factors at least (Esmi still not being completely comfortable with the cams and them sharing the room).
  8. We also forget that we never know when they can also be talking with RLC, which of course they don't do on cams. We mustn't criticize them for being off-cams because we never know everything they do outside in their private lives.
  9. And why not just enjoy the other tenants and apartments and wait to see what will happen when they come back in instead? And why not also comment on what they do on cams and share our speculations instead of just complaining when they "do nothing" or just complain that they are out, which is what this is supposed to be all about?
  10. I repeat that you always have other apartments and other sites to see girls on cams 24/7 do what you want all the time. But I don't want to waste my time and keep arguing in this regard 😉
  11. Also each of them behave differently. But let's see if Esmi gets more attached with the project
  12. Besides them having their own rooms, there's' also and has always been the problem with the size and arrangement of the apartment.
  13. Marlene on the phone looking worried. I hope it's still not some unfixed issue with her date
  14. Sorry, I don't argue with insults. You chose the wrong person 😉
  15. If you just come here to criticize them and spread negativity all the time just because they don't satisfy you perverted habits 24/7 or don't walk naked all the 365 days of the year, you have other sites for that, as @ddhm also rightly said. You should enjoy more or search for other sites that satisfy your needs, instead of being here spamming everyday with all that negativity.
  16. Zabava, the blonde one who is also currently outside.
  17. That's also true. Let's just wait and see what's to come
  18. I know, but I still try to have a glimmer of hope on people, which unfortunately just seems to be useless 😉
  19. Well, in that case you have other sites where you have girls doing and performing whatever you want whenever you want all the time.
  20. On VHTV it's rare not having an apartment with naked people, sex and sexual activities such as bondage being performed and produced for the cams
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