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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Cecilia is more than that, and it is a complete shame that Radi sees and uses her just to satisfy herself to fill in her isolation due to her social and coexisgence issues, with the drugs in between, which is already taking effect in the Villa. She had already proven to be a kid in mind back in B1, no wonder her issues with Serafima. Even Cecilia had a long conversation with her on the backyard the other day. And her shows are more than the same and dropping down, as you well said. I'm already getting full of her, honestly.
  2. That drug supply must be away from Bea. 🤬
  3. Who's sleeping in the guest room?
  4. Well, if you really think the war is over you are a bit out of touch with the reality and don't see the news. Esmi still cried one of these nights. And adding to that, they share the room. It's sad that some people have lack of empathy with the girls and only see them as full time sexual machines.
  5. Also don't forget that she passed through a hard time and was very down due to the war, and even had to have comfort and support from Karol and Marlene
  6. They've already made small great progress, even slowly. And given that, as I said, I still have a glimmer of hope on them
  7. Let's see what is still yet to come. Things are happening slowly.
  8. If she hates the cams, I believe (or want to believe) that it's not purposely. I think it's more that she still doesn't feel entirely comfortable with them. But it's already another great step that she takes the couch for a night for the first time 🙂
  9. She fully covered herself under the blanket when Marlene came back in 😳
  10. I still have a glimmer of hope that she can still take advantage of that with her naturalness. She looks happy and even took the couch tonight. Let's see in the upcoming days
  11. Zabava is doing something. At least we can see that she's a good home fairy. And Karol is back on track
  12. First of all, it's not too elegant throwing a party the day after Tata left. I agree 100% with what you said. RLC is doing shit with some of them and ruining their privacy and well.being, not letting them be entirely free. I hope too that when covid and the war goes completely away and the rummored B7 or another apt in Barca opens soon, not only the girls will have more privacy and will completely open themselves, and they can start bringing even more new and interesting and promising tenants. And then RLC will explode back to the pre-covid times.
  13. And Masha, Karol, Zabava and Esmi
  14. Tata has been much more boring than them the last couple of days/ week or two
  15. I was talking in general, I just took B1 as an example. But subjects related to other apartments will be discussed in the right place, don't worry (unless it is a brief update we label as OT) 😉
  16. He is not a permanent tenant, at last now. Otherwise, RLC would've settled them differently. And I said that some people have their ways of thinking so limited and their vision of the tings turned upside down that they cannot reach the main point of the matter.
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