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Everything posted by costa049

  1. No, he's not a tenant, otherwise RLC would've settled them differently. And some people have their vision of things so upside down with their limited ways of thinking that they just can't think beyond and reach the point
  2. He is, simply since he is just Karol's bf and doesn't leave there
  3. You keep missing the main point. I just took Karol as a recent example of many others, and especially (regardless of being her or whomever) taking the fact that B1 is small and only has on bathroom. And not every girl reacts and behaves the same way with the presence of a strange in a shared house. And I have to say that you're totally wrong and your vision of things is turned upside down. It isn't them who always have to be expecting strange people and know that someone might come, the person who invites (girl in this case) is the one who has to talk to her housemates before bringing someone in.
  4. I don't know who gave me the laughing reaction, but some people here seriously have a questionable mentality
  5. To conclude this and let it clear. They all, regardless of the severity of what they do and where, and regardless of who it is from, have to not forget that they aren't leaving alone and have to respect each other. Even if Karol and Marlene still fuck with their guys in their rooms, they must be a bit more sensitive, especially knowing that B1 is very small and only has one bathroom, and talk with each other about bringing other people in and to know when it is the best time to do it. Bringing people in without talking with the others is bad, because they will never know where those people can be in the house and how (dressed or naked), and will end up crossing paths with them unexpectedly in common spaces, making them feel uncomfortable and not having freedom to be how they want and do what they want around the house (like what happened when the sisters of B1 came back home two days ago). And it is bad for their privacy and well-being in general. 😔 😡 Just because a certain situation in a certain apartment is not comparable to another, which I can still look at, it doesn't make them not have to follow rules and respect each other as housemates living together. And there are few who still do it there unfortunately. 😐
  6. The severity of each situation and who it is from, doesn't exclude them from having the good sense of talking with each other before bringing people inside still. It's called basic rules of coexistence. You guys are missing the crux of the matter.
  7. Forgot to mention that too. But that doesn't matter. Regardless of who it is, it's also not correct still
  8. I agree 100%. And this is why I say that they are free to do almost everything they want, but they still have to follow some house rules of coexistence as housemates. It is the same thing in B1, with Karol bringing her guy without saying anything tho the girls. And Marlene has done the same thing too... And this of course affects their privacy and freedom in the house... 😔😡
  9. You shouldn't be so tough. And Esmi just completed one month in the project. You should cheer her up and give her a strength instead. She even gave us a nice workout 🙂
  10. I wouldn't say any better. It is a complete mess and should be fixed quickly, for the sake of their own space and privacy and, above all, their well-being in general.. 😔 😡😡 If nothing changes in B1 soon, they should definitely go to the Villa or so, and replace two of them like for example Loraine, as you mentioned well, and maybe Radi, who I'm already getting tired of with her behaviour involving the drugs and so on. And plus, Esmi has the FR there, where she can practice all her dancing.
  11. Esmi having a bite in the middle of the night
  12. I know about the one in B2. I just hadn't noticed this one yet. I don't know if they will ever use it
  13. Ok, I might be stupid, but I just realised it now. Is that a black rabbit mask in Z&E's room? How long has it been there for?
  14. Let's all cheer her up for her first month in the project!!
  15. Happy first month beatutiful Esmi! I hope it's just the first of more and great months. I hope you feel more and more comfortable with the cams, and I wish you stay longer and provide us more and more nice moments!!! 🎉🎉🥳 😊
  16. But today it's going crazy on Marlene and Zabava's side
  17. 2051 Oh boy, Zabava going out once more, for the third time
  18. She still won't beat Harley and Tweety LOL. They must have the guinness record for the longest time sleeping 😂
  19. The hibernation is over. The rabbit just came out of the hole
  20. 2130 Marlene left again. Another quick pitstop
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