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Everything posted by costa049

  1. It's still funny to see them constantly coming back and going out again while Esmi just keeps sleeping 😆
  2. I was hoping B2 to have some on cams fun with Cleo
  3. Of course not LOL. I just saw it on a quick check and through the previews 😂
  4. Esmi covers herself even more to keep sleeping. She must have some lack of sleep from the last couple of days
  5. Must have probably not went well. She could meet Cleo in B2 to have some fun then instead
  6. 2002 And left again, quick eating pitstop. Esmi still in her pink dreams
  7. And she will have to solve last night's episode
  8. Hasn't she spent at least a night out with her bf already, or am I wrong? She could well do it, since he stayed in B1 these two days. But let's see
  9. Just to update. Esmi home alone and sleeping. I doubt any of them is home before at least midnight, based on when they've been coming back lately. And Marlene has something to solve from last night
  10. Of course, but it's still another person from outside of the house, that's the crux of the matter. I'm not personally judging him, because I know that he's even very respectful. They just have to talk with each other when they plan to invite other people in
  11. I'll re-write what I once said here. They live in the same house as housemates, in this case girls on vacation. Of course they can spend time with each other and do mostly whatever they want, unless it isn't something illegal or harmful to each other. They just have to have respect and good sense with each other. And so, they have to not borrow each other's stuff without asking, be respectful when inviting guests and with noise and talk with their housemates about that, clean up their own messes and their private/ common spaces in general, keep their hands off/ not share each other's food and drinks without asking and without having your hands and face properly clean, respect each other's need for quiet time and, above all, respect each other's space and privacy, that's it. These are basic rules of coexistence.
  12. It's true, he is indeed polite. But I still don't take back what I said. I didn't see the sisters coming back, but beyond not counting on him back in the house, most probably they weren't counting on him out of the room and even showering
  13. It's valid. But also don't forget, as I also said, that not every girl reacts and behaves the same way to the presence of a strange guy around, especially being the guy of one of the housemates and who they aren't counting on still
  14. The neighbors cut the fun. Everyone comes back inside quiet and turn the lights off
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