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Everything posted by studev3131

  1. Can you provide more detail or time of what we should watch or camera?
  2. I am not shocked by Sera this is what she always done. I am more shocked that after that wild night that Britney hasn't really done more.
  3. Has Taylor fully moved back in or is she homeless and just couch surfing?
  4. Lets be honest, nearly half or more then half of the single girls don't do anything.
  5. Where did Brittney escape to? And that's a good idea on Hakeem, he'd get them to speak English.
  6. Funny what wedding cake does to a woman.
  7. They need to do something as Raniya seems so uncomfortable. Watching her in B1 yesterday and the last couple it appears that she regrets joining and her actions. Seems like she got roped in without fully realizing what she was sign up for.
  8. Something else has to be going on here, she barely got out of the bed this weekend. They must really need the money to put themselves thru this.
  9. Was that Brit's first bate? Quick and undercovers?
  10. They are pulling your leg. They haven't done anything and appear to be in the E&D apt mode, where sexual activity is once a. month.
  11. @moos54the sexy stuff matters or RLC wouldn't be selling subscriptions with replay and selling the replays. Sorry except for the Leora fans which is a different group, i would say that most people watch the live, replays and selling of replays to your collection for the sexy stuff. So all these apts are hurting the RLC plan to upsell us with their inactivity.
  12. I think it's obvious at this point that this was a bad casting. Hopefully the new apartment will add some new activity and these gals will be replaced in the future.
  13. Something must be in the water more action.
  14. Let's be honest the only thing happening in RLC is Kristy and Taylor. Lili is basically gone and tani spends all her time with Tim in B7 now.
  15. is Brittney preparing to break the seal with an blanketed bate?
  16. I know we are supposed to be patient, but I don't have high hopes on this apt.
  17. Yeah that's true. What's interesting is how fast Taylor caught feelings interesting to hear all this in English. Bet they won't do this again.
  18. Must of been preparing for their bi-weekly action this morning.
  19. And that's why he's the timekeeper. My goodness going back 4 years and he could probably tell us the time as well. Thank you!!! I appreciate your efforts on keeping the rest of us up to date and informed.
  20. This apt seems to another Val and Jul apt where sex is once a month. Hoping for better.
  21. Is there an apt less active than this one if so, I am curious to know which one, is the least active. I think Kate and Adam would be next. let me know.
  22. thanks @corvette84. I didn't even the second one as a bate. But for a new girl she's pretty active already. sleeping naked as well. big difference from the last few girls in that room.
  23. Anyone have the links when she did these undercover bates yesterday and today please?
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