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Everything posted by studev3131

  1. Don't feel bad, its dull all over, V&L dull, and all of the GOV apts pretty bad. Really interesting crew this shift.
  2. RLC has to do something abu the apartment, its falling to the bottom of activity.
  3. if times are desperate RLC needs to bring back Damira. @noldus where is she at now. Probably married or making tens of thousands on OF.
  4. this is a late 30 something man pulling out all of the tricks to try to sleep with these twenty something girls, and try to have sex with them on cam, which most of these girls haven't done. What do you expect him to do.
  5. the question should be whether Kaley finally does anything. Aunt flow has left her friend has left now what is the reasons she can't be more active.
  6. @noldus has Lorraine broken the record for longest RLC resident yet?
  7. I had such high hopes for this apartment but its got to be one of the most boring on RLC. Rough summer continues for RLC
  8. Is this the most boring that b4 has been in a while? It seems like b4 and b7 have really slowed to a crawl.
  9. Its time for Kaley to get into the act as other then having her friend over she hasn't done anything. B2 is basically becoming Kristy and that's it with Lavi always out.
  10. I was rotflmao. this had to be one of the craziest things ever.
  11. With Levi gone, lets be honest, this apt has gotten boring the last couple of days. Glad Kaley is here but she's been a pretty flat so far.
  12. Has Kaley even done anything since she's been back?
  13. The current RLC recruiter Cleary has a preference for really skinny, small breasted brunettes. I see some these girls and can't tell the difference.
  14. So is this a date with Beatrice or just good friends.
  15. Malt has the pillow over her head. That is hilarious
  16. Has b4 become boring. Seems like the barc houses have slow down on activity and b4, is really starting to lag on activity especially now that Lorraine and Samson have gone there separate ways it appears.
  17. has luna done anything since she moved in other then sleep and shower.
  18. He tried to kiss her, she stopped it immediately. He should have left at that point.
  19. There was an uproar about Alley being gone and not present, but Zaba is rarely ever seen as well, and has done zilch since the first couple of days on the site. I am actually surprised by her start that her sister has done more recently.
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