Well the only thing I see wrong with this apartment is a few of the cams need to be adjusted for better coverage. The girls are just fine. Lola has legs that go all the way up to Heaven. Tall, blonde, and hot. Unless your not into that. Megan is either more open than she lets on or she's finding a side she didn't know she had. Dark hair, dark eyes, and hot. Unless your not into that. Amy is shy. Not just with the cams but with everything. Will she loosen up? Maybe, maybe not. Cute, nice ass, and hot. Unless your not into that.
With some of the girls I seen (Sara and White) I'm happy to keep watching and see how things unfold. And if it goes no farther then fine. I'm still happy for seeing three hot young ladies.
But to all those complaining I have a question. If you feel that the girls are so boring, a complete wast of time, and shouldn't even be in this apartment or on RLC. Just why are you wasting your time watching them? And wasting your time to jump on this thread and post your complaint over and over again? Just makes me wonder why you bother.
This is just my opinion the same way your complaints are you opinion. So post away it's good for a laugh.
Enough from me.