Mike I'll have to disagree with comparing Barcelona with Moscow. They are different setups and can in no way be the same. Barcelona has a person with a piss poor attitude and no personality. And sadly she has pulled another one down with her. Yes that makes it not as much fun to watch. So I wait patiently for the reset but for me it's not dead.
I didn't give up on Moscow because I'm not that interested in it in the first place. Love looking at K&K pics but without the free cams it's just not the same. Reading the "What are they doing now" is uninteresting and a waste for me. The comments are fine when no one is arguing over something trivial and the gushing worship isn't over the top. When it is I just skim over it and if I miss something that was mixed in then my bad.
I keep seeing a reference to "Real Life". I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But what makes this apartment "Real Life" and none of the rest of them? That's a rhetorical question by the way and doesn't require an answer.
Bottom line is watch whatever you want and comment on what you want. But I think if you leave your expectations at the door you'll enjoy it a lot more.
I hate making a long post. But I feel better now.
Everyone enjoy your morning, day, evening, or night as the case may be. Be a long time before I make a post like this again.
P.S. Daytona 500 Next Sunday.