It seems more and more that Shadow is not Leora, but is in fact Paul. Because I seriously doubt that she would justify being slaped as "misunderstanding". And after all he spends way more time on the computer than she does.
Now to the obvious elephant in the room. To Sleestack and everyone who states that "he really loves her".
To make that statement you must be a daily viewer of RLC and Camcaps. If so, you must have seen the aforementioned "slap argument". I don't know what world you live in, but in my world if a man loves a woman he would never raise a finger at her. And when a woman calls him while he's visiting his mother, he doesn't tell her "i'm not allowed to talk to you" and hang up, regardless of what his mother thinks of her. And when a woman beggs him to come home because she is sick, he doesn't stay out for two more days, and then come home and acts like nothing happened. Granted, you don't understand their language, but again, if you were a "constant viewer", u should have read my translations of their fights. And I guess in your world it's also ok to sleep until lunchtime, then sit on the computer all day, and when your woman comes home from work have her cook for you, clean, wash your clothes and after all that demand sex from her. In my world that's being a selfish, loveless, giant ass-hole. Since you haven't seen or read none of these things, you are not in the position to make judgment about his "love" If you did, u would have known, that he doesn't love her, and is only there to use her services as a cook, a cleaner and to get a piece of free ass. Unfortunately for Leora, she doesn't yet realize it either. But there will come a time!