Just my 2 cents: I prefer watching Emma cooking than watching 12 hours of fake camming, pussy stretching, artificially smiling girls. I've had a GF camming and that is only interesting until the end of the first week. Same show, same fakeness, same things all day, every day... while their partner has to stay outside the room, isolated. My advice is... if you are going to add new couples, be sure the girls doesn't cam... although finding a young, pretty, opened girls in RO, who do not cam... is probably quite hard. Good luck though, the cam quality is crazy. As you expand, I hope that won't be a challenge for your IT guys traffic wise... the good thing is (if your servers are there where some of the tenants are), that the Internet in Eastern EU is one of the best/fastest/cheapest in EU or even in the whole world, so that won't be a problem. Cheers and all the best!