In one of the videos I think she says that she can't access the forum. But the sound is realllllllly bad and a lot of noise. It might be this forum... there was definitely some blue stuff on her phone. So they might be reading us! If that's the case... hi guys! You are really great! Keep cumming :D
Sure m8, if I catch them online. From the stuff I've heard it was mostly teasing during sex.. like "I wanna show you a trick" and stuff like that. If you think they are speaking something interesting or arguing... just record it video or sound and poke me here in the forum. I am mostly working so I will probably miss the most interesting parts.
Thank you for the pictures and videos guys! Just stumbled upon this couple and they are amazing. I even understand what they are speaking which makes it even more interesting!
Never been with a girl touching her asshole and smelling her fingers LOL probably she shaved her asshole and now hairs are growing... itches man.. BUT still sexy as FUCK