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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. Maybe (though that remains to be seen), but I like Shantal more. Way more sex appeal.
  2. I would like showering with a bathing suit even less, though...
  3. I ike Shantal, but she needs to stop showering in the dark. It looks silly, and she's seen naked anyway. Hopefully, this will change with time, when she gets more used to things and stops caring. She is quite a tease (she dresses quite revealing) while being prudish at the same time. An interesting combination, but will get exasperating if she keeps those tricks up.
  4. Get out of that bathroom Elvis, you've been in long enough now. The girls might need it.
  5. Maybe they just thought - correctly - we would see a bit less. The blonde was also hiding a bit less and showering longer, maybe because of the dark. Still, normal lighting would have been better for viewing. And one of the three didn't fall for that 'trick' unfortunately (the second brunette, with the - presumably - bigger breasts didn't shower at all, as far as I know. Or did she as well? Maybe the 1st time, which I missed)? Still, I think it's a positive indication for girls of the newer generation that two out of three would rather be seen naked while showering (which by itself is not such a big deal: it's not like they were caught doing something naughty or sexual), than feeling smelly or sweaty. 🙂 I also like the trend of doing away with wearing bras (like the same two guest girls who showered).
  6. I wonder if Elvis will make a move on the brunette sitting next to him. She's the only one of the three guest girls who hasn't used the shower yet, if i'm not mistaken... So she might too prude for the cams. Or too smelly for sex. Or both.
  7. Luckily, even decades before "woke" (which is a recent phenomenon, with radicals now taking the lead, thereby compromising otherwise valid points by being too intolerant and bigoted themselves - just like their conservative opponents) it was already deemed a crass expression in non-bigoted circles. I also didn't hear you explain why the word isn't generally targeted at men and a lot at women, like men get a free pass where women don't. Making women adjust their behavior socially, making them more repressed about sex than they would otherwise be, hurting the chances of the same guys calling more willing women sluts. Go figure. I'm neither woke nor conservative, I like neither and I think those two groups deserve each other (if they would just leave the rest of us alone with their holier-than-thou attitude...). I consider myself more liberated. Some kind of libertine, if you will. Extreme woke & bigoted conservatism have more in common than they want to admit: intolerance, bigotry, against (some) porn or sex. Probably against voyeur sites too. 😉 I'm pretty judgmental about judgmental people though, I'll give you that, 🙂 And leave it at that. Edit: Gen X here, just turned 51. So hardly Z, but I tend to like them more than the milennials (milennials, or gen Y got more prude than gen X, while gen Z girls tend to be a bit less inhibited again about being topless on the the beach - at least in Europe - etc.), although I'm now generalising greatly.
  8. Largely unrelated to the present commotion, but does anyone know how long beforehand tenants are told it's time to leave? How many days/weeks notice do they receive? Or do they (or some of them) know from the beginning how long they are going to stay?
  9. That you are one of those people that you view sexual "honor" as people did in Victorian times, or before the sexual revolution at least. Note that "slut" is a derogatory slur specifically aimed at women. A word used by judgmental, bigoted, angry, frustrated people. The word implies that a woman with lots of sexual partners is to be despised. More enlightened / liberated people don't agree with that. Note that there is no such derogatory term for men, even if they have the same amount of sexual partners as those female "sluts" you are referring to. OK, some people do also speak about "male sluts" the same way, but actually it would be preferable if people stopped being judgmental bigots in general, and stop using that word. Especially on a voyeur site, as if the voyeur should feel more morally high and mighty than the people he's watching. My personal definition of "slut" is one saying more about the person using it: "A 'slut' is a word used for someone with a more interesting sex life than the person using it".
  10. I was referring not to me (& no idea what monkey you are referring to), but to the the fact that you tried to boss around someone (ddhm, not sure if I spell it right) to add "in my opinion". When it was also clear that he spoke for himself. Just like everyone else here.
  11. Maybe you should add "in my opinion" as well. Practice what you preach.
  12. It's always something, isn't it? Either: they're do nothings, it's boring, RLC is dead bla bla bla Or: they're sluts (and that word says more about the person using it than the person he talks about!), they're porn stars, it's a fake show, like VHTV bla bla bla. People need to make up their mind.
  13. Anthony is watching his phone in his room... I wonder if he has a RLC subscription...
  14. too bad they got the lens all wet, but interesting nonetheless. That Dylan guy has skillz.
  15. Anthony got a 2 second lapdance from Zara, lol. After he almost pulled her on his lap.
  16. OK, turns out Ashley IS wearing panties after all. The question now is: for how long... She doesn't wear bras until now though. I like that girl. Gloria too.
  17. Anthony, stop bothering Zara! She seems more intimate with girls, indeed. Her touchy-feely with Lilith ended when Anthony imposed himself.
  18. Is Ashley wearing no panties?... Every time I almost get a good look, Anthony is in the way, lol.
  19. Or Ari. She looks quite pretty. Pity her boobs are less pretty than her beautiful face, but still i'd like her to join. Oh, and not to forget: Shantal! She really looks quite sexy! Both in looks & personality. She's on her own at the moment, but hopefully that will change soon... (for the better, of course, if she's joined by the likes of Serafima or Zhanna she'd better stay alone).
  20. I wish Ulyana & Harley came to join now as well! They're in Barcelona, right? And Wednesday, & her redhead friend! 🙂
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