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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. Yes, but unfortunately, she is also the most prudish of the guest girls... 😞
  2. Indeed, I think it is her. I didn't recognise her when she was sleeping with makeup on... I only did just now, when she removed it in the bathroom.
  3. Who is Tani's friend, sleeping next to her in Aziza's room? Is she shy or generous with what she shows on cam?
  4. Or it could help getting this kind of work out of the "taboo atmosphere"... Shantal seems charismatic enough. But for now, her being famous is just conjecture... She can't be super-famous, as no one here (except corboblanc?) seems to know her. Or maybe he just meant she's well-known in the Barcelona party scene?...
  5. But why would that be a reason to be modest after signing up for a site like RLC? I mean the 'damage' is already done once people know she is on a site like RLC, isn't it? Whether she shows a lot or not, would be rather irrelevant once she's known as a RLC tenant. Is/was she some kind of celebrity or something (a model maybe, or a dancer)?... If you don't want to answer here, you can send me a private message if you want. I'll be discreet.
  6. What do you mean? Why does she have a specific reason to be modest (more than other girls I mean)? And why would her presence on RLC be surprising?...
  7. She looks a bit old to me (maybe she is). But I didn't see her shower yet. Bad luck I guess, and no replay... The other guest girl seems prettier, but is apparently more prudish...
  8. Shantal was making tiktoks I guess, in a revealing crop top. Shy as she is in the shower, luckily she doesn't mind wearing boobslipping crop tops! 🙂 Anyone know her tik tok?...
  9. Is that the guest girl in the bedroom next to Masha's blonde friend? Or the one next to Elvis in the living room? (sorry, still NV cam, so can't discern dress colours yet)
  10. Which girl was it? (Sorry, still basic sub, so no replay...)
  11. I could understand new girls bating under the covers in the beginning (though I hope they don't continue this practice), as it's showing a lot more 'intimacy' than more 'mundane' things that aren't actually sexual, just unclothed. Like showering, for example. At some festivals, lakes or beaches (mostly in Europe, especially Germany, Spain,...) for example, you can even see 'regular' (as in non-cam) girls showering or taking a swim half or completely naked. Taking a pee in the bushes of a park, or behind a car or so has also become less of a taboo for girls. Especially since the pandemic, when the bars were closed and young people gathered outside having drinks. And of course they had to pee somewhere. And if guys can just pee against a tree, so can girls! Equal rights! I liked taking a walk in the park during that era, though was polite enough not to keep staring as I did not want to intimidate! 😉 That's why I have more issues with RLC girls showering in the dark (as even lots of 'normal' girls have less inhibitions about 'functional nudity'), than with them masturbating under a blanket. But let's hope these are just 'growing pains' in both cases, and that the new girls will live up to their full potential soon enough.
  12. Good to hear! But of course, I missed that. And I can't replay, as I only have a basic subscription. Maybe they coach girls into only showing something now & then, in order to get people to buy premium instead of basic subs, lol. 😉
  13. I see Masha's friend who takes care of her apartment while she's gone has guests that spend the night again. They are sleeping now, but was there anything to see earlier in the evening/night? When did they go to sleep? I ask so I have an idea when they will wake up & possibly take a shower.
  14. Maybe in the beginning RLC stays quiet at first with new girls, to give them the time to adjust psychologically to the cams. Otherwise they risk a promising girl leaving immediately if she feels pressurised, while later she might get comfortable with the cams anyway, just in her own tempo. But if things continue like this after the "adjusting period" (2 weeks or so?), hopefully they will have a word with her.
  15. Except there is at least one that is a lot more good looking (Shantal), and Severina & Mariam (though not stunning) are also better looking than Serafima & Zhanna in my opinion. I wouldn't have watched the latter anyway even if they weren't do nothings. Just not my type. Which makes Shantal's sometimes teasing, but, when it really matters, prudish behavior all the more frustrating. She still gets credit for her being new & it being her first week (& not to forget: her gorgeousness!), but she shouldn't keep up with this charade for too long, as I'm already starting to lose interest. And I guess I'm not alone in this: even under her blanket, she was among the top cams a few days ago, but not anymore now. What is the timeframe that usually decides whether a new girl is going to be a worthy tenant or not? In which she loses her initial inhibitions? Two weeks or so? That means if there is no improvement in about ten days from now, I'm afraid there'll be no further progress (how I hope to be wrong!...) and she's probably not cut out for this project, even though she looks gorgeous...
  16. I missed her coming home. But nothing changed, it seems. Now completely under her blanket. She does have a lot of sex appeal, but if she keeps this "modesty" up, it's going to get stale real fast...
  17. Don't be shy, Severina & Mariam. It's allowed to be topless on your own balcony in Barcelona.
  18. She's been away for more than an hour now, at least (when I started watching). Maybe a lot longer. Perhaps she's taking public transport and that's why it takes longer... Or she has other plans for the day and won't be home in the next few hours at least...
  19. At B4 (cams 1-5 & 1-6, the old sofa). She stayed there after the party. But her sleeping spot looks empty now, and can't find her at B4. Maybe she's on the way home? B4 & B7 are way outside the center of Barcelona, while B1 is in the center if I'm not mistaken. It probably takes considerable time to get from one to the other. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong. Did someone see her leave? When?
  20. She wants another go, lol! Poor Anthony is getting exhausted!... Edit: he didn't manage another go. Can't blame him after tonight, even as sexy as she is.
  21. She is quite active. Maybe she got him drunk & is now taking advantage of him, lol! (note: irony!) Pity they turned the lights off, though.
  22. Some people (guys especially) never change. Look up "middle aged Beavis & Butt-head", for example. 😉
  23. That's true, everyone has different underlying issues that can come out when drunk. Not necessarily horniness or sex drive. That's why you have very different kinds of drunk people: lecherous drunks, angry drunks, funny drunks, melancholic drunks etc...
  24. But you need not worry about her maidenly 'honor': she put on pants. And by the way: Anthony might be just as drunk (some people are less obviously drunk). So, if both parties are drunk when having sex, who is the "guilty" party? By definition the guy? I would say no one... And in Anthony's case: he has had some to drink (influencing his already meagre performance), and already fucked Wendy earlier. So maybe he's just not able to get it up now. It would help if we could understand what they said...
  25. In that case, they need love and affection (possibly from more than 1 person) in general. But because society trained us to be monogamous, that feeling is repressed, but comes out when drunk.
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