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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Christ, I'll buy a sub for you so you don't need to keep guessing.
  2. I like watching this better than the bullshit in B4.
  3. Tani is very boring. She only fucks Tim on camera, nothing else. 👎
  4. The guest has a nice little natural body.
  5. Alsu looks like Loraine? Are you fucking blind? Loraine is a beautiful woman and Alsu is not with hideous blown up lips. And here you go with your blah,blah,blah again.
  6. My comments always get them to do the opposite. You can thank me later. 😏
  7. Alsu has done nothing since she got there and you will see nothing from her now. These do nothings need to go. And anything under the covers doesn't count.
  8. I was watching other people on RLC while that click bait was going on.
  9. I could never watch this bullshit from these idiots.
  10. I must live under a rock then. I could care less to learn slang from other countries and I'm sure there are many people in the UK that never heard of the slang bucks.
  11. The time in the upper corner doesn't lie. She has these things called lights. 😉
  12. Nice quick finger bate from Lavika at 2:01. I love her.😊
  13. Lara does nothing. Why would RLC bring this girl back?
  14. Kimberly is a fucking joke and needs to go now! Top cam hiding in a tent. You people are fucked in the head.
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